Gary Varvel for December 04, 2016

  1. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 7 years ago

    Considering the orange coiffed turkey we’ve put in charge, I fear that we may be eating considerably worse than crow the next 4 years.

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  2. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Caw caw!

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    IMO the "alt-right’ is an invention of the ultra-left spokespeople, defined by leftists as containing every evil they can imagine, from false labels also created by the Left including “racist” and “Nazi” and “White Supremist”!…///…@BillW101 is correct…Black Lives Matter is totally totalitarian and funded by rich old men dedicated to overthrowing the American form of government, and BLM carries out deliberate violence, and law-breaking as SOP.…///…America’s “protestors” are paid to travel and create violent confrontations and war against local Police Department law enforcement people who risk their lives daily trying to protect the public! Not to mention vandalism and destruction of private and public property. IMO the Leftists in the political spectrum are absolutely scofflaw 24/7. That is why we Christians keep praying for God to protect the new administration’s officials and to restrain the evil works of Satan’s puppets, and to convert as many as possible to faith in Jesus, for personal salvation and receiving God’s help to know and to do what God teaches is the right thing.

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    Algolei  over 7 years ago

    I think you’re all asking too much of our Russian friend’s spelling and grammar.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    @Liberal Redneck…1. I do not worship any human living today; I worship God’s Son Jesus Christ, and only Him.….///….2. God led many Christians to reject Clinton and her sinful agenda and to vote for Trump and his pro-religious liberty, pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-free-market healthcare to replace the Obama/Democrats’ government controlled Big Brother Mandates. 3.Putin is an enemy, and I pray God gives Trump an understanding of the evil destiny of Russia that the Bible calls Gog, which will in the future lead the world into the final human war…Armageddon…that the returning Christ will annihilate! 4. No human who rejected God’s salvation will be laughing in the Hell that Jesus taught about in His ministry.5.To return to our culture and Biblically-based traditions of marriage and family and a non-intrusive government is far from your “nanny state”! Bible-believing Christians know that our Liberty in the USA came straight from the Bible Liberty that God’s Word teaches. We do not want “watch lists” or forced conformity….that is the freedom our founders came to the New World to attain! We believe in Liberty and the First Amendment guarantee and oppose license to abuse those freedoms. And we certainly believe as scripture teaches, “he who will not work, should not eat” and the free enterprise system of creating businesses and jobs and competition!Where do you get your misconceptions?

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