Mike Lester for November 19, 2016

  1. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 7 years ago

    Could you explain what you mean by “Patriotic Assimilation”?

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  2. Orch4939
    aedra6  over 7 years ago

    Ford never was moving to Mexico and Trump had nothing to do with it. As to the other stuff… we will have to wait and see. I don’t think any liberal would do that to another person, however, I do believe that extreme right wing conservatives have accused liberals of being fascists, blamed them for all that is bad in the world and sent death threats to President Obama.

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    rick92040  over 7 years ago

    Trump lies about the Ford plant and people believe him over Ford who says they never had any intention of moving the plant. That’s how he became president. The people can be fooled.

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  4. Sunset
    TheTrustedMechanic  over 7 years ago

    Newsflash for Lester, the LIAR!- Ford wasn’t moving to Mexico. Ford has manufacturing plants in Mexico and was going to move some models there, just as they have done for decades.

    - If the dollar is on the rise it is solely due to Obama and forces in the rest of the world, not Trump. You guys were crying about cartoons this week depicting things that Donald said he’d do. You guys were crying that Donnie wasn’t President yet, Obama still was. Like somehow that changed what Donnie was doing and said he’d do.

    - Government officials can’t become lobbyists for five years. Funny how that has NOT happened with republicans. It is repugnant how lobbyists can enter government “Service” (manipulation) at will. Obama was excoriated for hiring some but Trump is lauded for hiring many.

    - The stock market is up, thank you Obama. The stock market has been up, higher even than it is currently under Obama. Given all the obstruction by the republicans no one can honestly say they had anything to do with the improvement in the stock market.- It’s time for Patriotic Assimilation ONLY because the republicans won. Funny how all they could do was oppose, obstruct, divide and be petulant little children the entire time Obama has been president. Where was the Patriotic Assimilation then? republicans are such HYPOCRITES!

    - “See you for thanksgiving son,”

    Don’t forget to bring the turkey!

    And the mashed potatoes,

    and the sweet potatoes

    and the stuffing,

    and the cranberry sauce

    and the pumpkin pie.

    I’ll supply the plates.

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  5. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    In an interview heavy on economic populism, Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon told The Hollywood Reporter he wants to ditch the Republican Party establishment and start over. “Like (Andrew) Jackson’s populism, we’re going to build an entirely new political movement,” he said. And that’s not all:


    “Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they (liberals) get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing."

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  6. 22073321.thm
    Farley55  over 7 years ago

    Excellent cartoon, and emblematic of the seemingly insurmountable communication gap. Those on the Right want to talk hope, those on the Left are only willing to talk hate.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago


    Faulty premise, erroneous conclusion. Historically, the left wing has sought to bring power to The People. That only requires destroying “society” when the social order is a tyranny. The whole right and left image comes from second republic France seating arrangement with the anarchists on the left, the monarchists on the right, and everything else spread out in a spectrum in between. It is not a good model, even for the Chamber of Deputies. Mainly because it ignores the fact that the two “extremes” are more alike than different other than that that the communists are more honest in admitting they are atheists while fascists subvert religion in a Reichskirche or a Concordat. It is really a [vicious] circle, with anarchists and populists basically outside it by policies mixing different ones from inside.

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  8. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Civilization is progressed by people who seek freedom from their indulgences, not freedom to indulge.


    Oh of course! That’s why the Amish still use 18th century (or earlier) technology.


    Attempts at profundity just sometimes fail to stand up to reality.

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  9. Sylvester012a
    pbuckland Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Trump may not have actively had anything to do with the Ford decision, because he isn’t in office yet. However, the optimism about the direction of the economy created by his campaign policies certainly did.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago

    Pixil Cat

    Bashing people over the head with a picket sign is a Republican trait, as Adalai Stevenson found out in Dallas. A mink-coated mob, led by Rep. Bruce Alger (R-TX) spit on Ladybird Johnson at the same Memorial Auditorium venue in that general time period. Getting off work at the old Terminal Annex, I was summoned with a “Hey boy come here” by a car load. They wanted directions to an “anti-communist” rally there. I started to answer before they asked, but feared I might be lynched despite it being a federal felony to assault a postal employee. Their children undoubtedly voted for Trump.

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    TimeWeaver  over 7 years ago

    Ford isn’t moving to Mexico (and it never was, just a production line with no job losses in the US).The dollar is on the rise (thanks Obama)When Lobbyists leave Gov’t… (You do know Trump can’t issue executive orders until after Jan 20 right? Let’s not count this chicken before it hatches)The Stock Market is up (thanks again Obama)It’s a time of patriotic assimilation (Are you referring to the swastikas that are appearing everywhere or the hate crimes that are on the rise?)

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