Bob Gorrell for September 20, 2016

  1. Doc and fifi
    BWR  over 7 years ago

    Sounds like my level of support for Trump. We need to have ‘none of the above’ as an option on election day.

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  2. Sunset
    TheTrustedMechanic  over 7 years ago

    Half-hearted embrace of a career politician will still get her elected unless the Trump does something to woo them to his camp. A vote is a vote no matter how enthusiastically cast.We don’t count the votes,4 – He|{ YES!8 – YEAH!15 – YES!12 – Sure18 – I suppose52 – MehWe count them 109 in favor.We don’t count them “He|{ YES! = 3x“YEAH!” votes = 2x“YES!” = 1.5x“Sure” = 1x“I suppose” = 1x“Meh” = 1/2xOne vote = one vote, period. So what seems lost on the right-wing propagandist minion is no matter how apathetic the millennials are regarding just another career politician, if they vote FOR her, she gets the vote, not The Donald.

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  3. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Hillary Clinton crushes Trump among millennials, who would overwhelmingly support the former secretary of state over the real estate mogul in a general election. Clinton holds a 36-point advantage over Trump, 61 percent to 25 percent, with 14 percent undecided.

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  4. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    millennials are embracing Hillary, they are not the old guard racists who want to take America back to the 50s when women and minorities were second class citizens.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The incessant calls I get on my “landline” which is now on my cable account are ignored. I don’t get political calls on my cell.-How are millennials being polled?

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    maxraleigh  over 7 years ago

    Trump supporters ARE the Poisonous Skittles!

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Millennials shouldn’t be so dismissive of this election. The next President while might only serve 4 years their actions being made will affect the future. Everything from Supreme Court nominees or whether the US will take on the challenge of battling climate change is at stake. One of the nominees is already on record ready to go to war against ISIS which isn’t a country & willing to use nukes as a first strike

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  8. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    I’d rather see what actual Millennials say, rather than rely on their cartoon versions or some pundit’s guesses.

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