Steve Kelley for June 30, 2016

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    A propaganda exercise where the chairman was found to have altered evidence after grilling Clinton for 11 hours+ and your conclusion is this?

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    The taxpaying public should be outraged that they spend two years and more that seven million dollars to run a political smear campaign. (Then repeated it with the email investigation,) The report uncovered nothing new and found no wrongdoing other than some of the usual bureaucratic failings. It would have been really nice if Congress had spent their time actually working on job creation and repairing our infrastructure and maybe even renovating the tax code.

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    The partisan smear job created sound bites for Fox news during an election cycle. The real crime is our taxes went to yet another partisan “investigation” where the Democratic party was not allowed to even see the report. Yet another fakey make-em-up in a long list of silly right-wing nonsense scandals. If you really cared about American lives, we wouldn’t be having 50 people dead in gun massacres.

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  4. Frank
    Frankfreak  almost 8 years ago

    Is Steve Kelley lying again in this ’toon?

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Iran/Contra- no problem. “Mushroom cloud” to “Shock and Awe”, all lies, no problem.

    Every investigation, and the military’s own review said under the circumstances (like our treaty with Libya that said no American troops outside Tripoli and our actual Embassy) said what could be done, was done, but there were screwups, made by Stevens himself. As to funding total “security”, first, that’s nearly impossible, but it’s worse when Congress has long failed to fund what the agencies asked for to meet challenges.(Across the federal government, not just at the State Dept.)

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  6. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    Nine Benghazi hearings and you are still unsure?Republicons must be the most inefficient people on earth.

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    momochan  almost 8 years ago

    @the Wolf in your midst

    That would have been rather inconsistent since he has done nothing but follow most of their foreign policy(maybe not Rumsfeld) since he was elected and continues to do so, despite the occasional liberal sounding sound bite to confuse the ignorant

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    kline0800  almost 8 years ago

    IMO the Select House Benghazi committee, which every House Democrat boycotted and condemned, in 800 pages of findings, does not name Hillary Clinton 23 timesas the Partisan House Democrat version of 300 pages where they attack Donald Trump 23 times by name!What in the name of sanity could Trump have to do with the 9/11/12 Benghazi scandal?-The House GOP did its duty. The House Democrats were partisan and its agenda was to contradict the facts of the committee report in order to protect Hillary Clinton, IMO.-All 800 pages reveal the Obama regime’s incompetence and shows that the Buck should stop at Obama’s and Hillary’s desks. Even though the Sec. of Defense, Panetta gave the order to act on a rescue attempt of those US consulate staff, including an Ambassador, not one thing was done. Teams were ready and on a plane, but the plane was held and the team went through 3 changes of uniforms, because Obama and Hillary and the others were more concerned about not offending the Libyans!-As Rush said the day the committee Report was released, the Pro-Obama and Pro-Hillary MSM will not bother to scan, much less read, that 800 page collection of evidence!

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    wherehaveallthetalentedartistsgone  almost 8 years ago

    Never has anyone been so sucessful at telling her followers “It’s not the horrible things I did! It’s THEIR fault for telling you about them”!

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    kline0800  almost 8 years ago

    @Frankfreak….since the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attack, there have been writers and commentators saying that the Ambassador did in fact contact Hillary, a “friend” which could have been audio or cable or perhaps Email,to ask for more security! Maybe they were in the Emails that Hillary destroyed, she claimed to have done that to thousands of emails.-I would not trust any W.Post “fact checker”….but even if no request reached Hillary, there were State Department reports from visitors to the consulate, and one man 9 months before the attack reported to his superiors that “there are going to be Americans killed in that facility”….! At the time of the report of the attack, I thought that for some reason the DOS had ordered the Americans to be there like goats used by a Guide as bait for big game for hunters on Safari.-Plus, the UK and others had pulled their Libyan staff people home because of the increased terrorist activities. Why weren’t our people ordered out of Libya in time to avoid being targets? The Islamic tradition is to carry out mass killings on anniversaries of past events, and 9/11/01 is now their favorite!-I cannot get an 800 page copy, I rely on what our Congress committee members say when interviewed and I read what conservatives write after interviewing them. I do not rely on Limbaugh’s radio program…daily I search internet news in the US and UK and Israeli news sources for my news.

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  11. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 8 years ago

    Eight or nine studies at a cost of over $10 million to conclude what everyone knew – that four Americans were killed in a dangerous war zone undertaking a clandestine operation, and that either the clandestine operations cease or security measures be beefed up. On that basis, how much time and money could be justifiably spent investigating the illegal invasion of Iraq where hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed and maimed? And you don’t think Benghazi was politically motivated to stop Hillary??

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