Michael Ramirez for August 10, 2010

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    kennethcwarren64  over 13 years ago

    Real Problems Please Real Problems.

    If you want to go stuiply crazy over dumb issues like this, well then it must because you don’t have answers to our real problems and want to waste our time on things like throwing babies out of the counrty they were born in.

    ANDY - Still have heard from you about how the GOP plans to create jobs and fix the economy, or isn’t that important enough for you?

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    sredman  over 13 years ago

    Ken, It’s the Dems that don’t have the answers to our economic problems, which is why they behave like the Elites that they are. They call on the rest of us to sacrifice while they live high on the hog on tax payers money and continue to ask for more.

    As for the GOP fixing the economy and creating jobs, how about doing it the way Regan did. Cutting the Corp Tax Rates, cutting the Capital Gains rates and cutting business regulations so buisness can create more jobs.

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    petergrt  over 13 years ago

    Does anybody remember Laura Bush, or any other Republican, or even a Democrat presidential wife to take this kind of lavish overseas vacations?

    The symbolism of this vulgar bash is breathtaking … compared with the class act :


    It is not the government’s responsibility to create jobs!

    The government’s responsibility is to create an economic environment that would enable private employers to create wealth producing jobs. The economy has to produce wealth - grow the pie, so that the government can collect more, not greater proportion, in taxes.

    As long as the government will punish success and reward failure, we will see meager private jobs growth.

    The just passed $26 billion gift to unions representing teachers and government workers could not be more counterproductive to our economic health.

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    FrankinNJ  over 13 years ago

    Aww I am used to that attitude from the leftist elites by now. If Al Gore getting off his private gas guzzeling old jet and telling you to drive electric cars didn’t prepare you for this, nothing would.

    Of course Bush taking vacation on his own ranch seemed to be such a big deal, funny how that is all forgotten when the left does it.

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 13 years ago

    “—-The just passed $26 billion gift to unions representing teachers and government workers could not be more counterproductive to our economic health.—-”

    Gift to unions??? Let’s work a little harder at truth and accuracy. This emergency funding to retain teachers, firefighters, police officers, and first responders is nothing new - they are public workers, that’s how they’re paid. These people are vital to a functioning society. The funds are “paid for”, it does not add to the deficit.

    And to those critical of Michelle taking a vacation with friends and daughter, give your head a shake. She’s the first lady not Joan Six-pack. Vacations will be more expensive, mostly mandated expenses. And how expensive? Less than the cost of one troop in Afghanistan for one year.

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  6. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 13 years ago

    “—-Turns out, she did it at absolutely no cost to taxpayers by obtaining private financing by close friends—–”

    I wonder what benefits the “close friends” got when all was said and done. Just wondering.

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    trace747  over 13 years ago

    do as i say not as i do….

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  8. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 13 years ago

    There’s a myriad of places to cut excess government spending, but cutting essential services like teachers, firefighters, police officers, and first responders is not the place, unless you want to revert back to the jungle.

    Start by saving over $2 billion a week by ending stupid wars, followed by other cuts in military and expensive foreign bases. Bring home the troops and have that youthful energy working at home and those dollars circulating at home for the benefit of Americans. End subsidies to industries that don’t need them like agribusiness and oil. Too much of the budget is politically motivated to prop up politicians - ruthlessly scrutinize earmarks.

    On the revenue side, Americans had better get used to higher taxes - expenditures have been hidden and deferred for too long. The chickens are coming home to roost. How does 80% marginal tax rate to rich Americans sound?

    The main budget offset to the emergency spending bill is closing foreign tax credit loopholes that would have a net effect of reducing the federal deficit by $1.4 B over ten years, according to the C.B.O. Aren’t budgetary spending offsets refreshing?

    Michelle’s trip to Spain? Political smoke and mirrors that detracts attention from real problems and meaningful solutions. There should be some perks to a high profile, important office, where there is no shortage of bleeep being thrown at you. And she does appear to be representing her country well and making a meaningful contribution.

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    PlainBill  over 13 years ago

    “sredman said

    As for the GOP fixing the economy and creating jobs, how about doing it the way Regan did. Cutting the Corp Tax Rates, cutting the Capital Gains rates and cutting business regulations so buisness can create more jobs.”

    Where have you been? Were you alive during the Regan administration? What did we have? Massive government spending, massive increases in the federal government AND the deficit. The rich got richer, the poor and middle class got poorer. Basically, the same thing Bush tried. And it didn’t work then, either.

    Until you wake up and realize the GOP cares only about the wealthiest 10% of the population, you will continue to get screwed.

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    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    Cheney’s view was “Let them eat $**t”, he certainly fed us enough of it, and Bush gets the blame.

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  11. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 13 years ago

    Might we assume, GBane, you are not in support of lowly service workers organizing for better employment conditions?

    Do you not think ditch diggers and ditch fillers should be adequately compensated? Would it be fair to have disparity in pay between the diggers and the fillers? What about working conditions? Ditch digging and ditch filling can be hazardous work. Would we want the ditch fillers commencing their work before the ditch diggers had completed theirs? You’ve got to be more sensitive and caring Mr. Bane!

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    Jaedabee Premium Member over 13 years ago

    As Warren mentioned on another post, Bush moved an aircraft carrier and took a harrier out to it so he could say “Mission Accomplished.” Taxpayer dime.

    “As for the GOP fixing the economy and creating jobs, how about doing it the way Regan did. Cutting the Corp Tax Rates, cutting the Capital Gains rates and cutting business regulations so buisness can create more jobs.”

    Worked so well for us as opposed to the Clinton years of prosperity, huh.
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    trace747  over 13 years ago

    Jade said “worked so well under Clinton”… why yes..and Clinton became a centrist and was led by a Republican congress (took the house in ‘94)!

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