Gary Varvel for April 13, 2016

  1. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 8 years ago

    In this case I agree with him. Republicans want the vote gone and they are starting with the primaries. People don’t know what they want, only the elite.

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    Odon Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Does he ever say anything positive beyond “I love the…”

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 8 years ago

    This guy is an egomaniac and when he doesn’t get his way he whines and whines. He is disrespectful, he is crude, and he apparently doesn’t really understand the issues facing the country. I watch a lot less TV these days because I can no longer stand to see or listen to his idiotic ravings.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Every 4 years we get a glimpse of how Democracy in the US works. Hands fly in the air with wails of protest.. Then, thankfully it is over.. for a year, to start all over where they left off. The process is flawed.. everyone acknowledges it. But, no one, once in power, wants to fix it. Same with subsidies.. Same with tax loopholes.. Same with………….

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    Check out the USA Founders’ documents and writings.This is not a “Mob-o-cracy”, this is a Representative type of government. Pure “Demo-cracy” is a lynch-mob form of government where the elite with talents can speak and create mobs to do evil=Adolph Hitler the model dictator who achieved power by citizens voting for him. -One fact Limbaugh has been pointing out= political parties are PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS, not public owned and managed. Both D and R parties organized with citizen members, elected leadership and each state has its own D and R parties. If you don’t like the management, just cancel your membership and join the “other” or start up a new Party.

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  6. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    Just another big mouth whiney right winger, they all appear to be the same.

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    This plays right to the Republican base. Whine when you don’t get your way, change the rules when someone else gets their way. The reason Trump is doing so well among the right is he represents them. From the way he deals with women and minorities to the way he acts when he doesn’t get his way. He is a true Republican.

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    dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Why, Night, do I get the scent of a LESSON here? hhmmm….hope the appropriate parties are paying attention.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    @Night-Gaunt49, thank you, you are correct. Hitler was appointed as of January 30, 1933.-He had tried to attain power since the 1920s…the attempt to take over the government in Munich in 1923 and he and his co-rebel Hess spent time in prison where Hitler wrote a part of the book Mein Kampf (I think he wrote what his plans were for Germany).-He led to the forming of the Storm Troopers and a new political party, the National Socialist German Workers….and began a campaign of trying to win the support of the population. -IMO, any leader that promises something for nothing but your vote should be avoided and opposed. Socialism, IMO, is nothing but legalized government theft, taking from the “haves” to distribute as the government (for its hidden agenda) decides, to the “have not” voters, if there is an election. Venezuela is the recent model of Socialism’s failure, and voters’ greed to get what they have not or cannot work to earn for themselves. Some Americans (and now illegals) voted for “free phones”…..and Freebies are toppling socialistic governments now in Europe.-The “isms” (socialism, communism, fascism, etc) are anti-God and anti-Bible and erode ethics and moral standards of a nation. How far America has fallen! Mandated Sins, legalized!

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    superposition  about 8 years ago

    Not all Christians are alike, it seems!

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    @Night-Gaunt.…..we must agree to disagree, because I am against every human totalitarian form of government, including Fascism, where government allows property owners to hang onto their deed but must obey government management of the property.-The Bible teaches that God gives Humanity its freedom to learn, to reason, to judge between good and evil, and when it is available, to help choose rulers as in the USA. But the Bible never teaches that a government not ruled by God and God’s rules and standards, should try to replace God as the FDR New Deal tried to do. Education, biblically, belongs to parents in the home. Government education’s fruits are open and in the news daily….no Bibles, but secular sex education and revised history and Humanism (self-worship) is taught.Now biblical sins are taught as “choice”…sodomy is now mandated to be equal to biblical man-woman marriage. L(icentiousness), G(o for sodomy), B(ipolar ID) and T(transgendered immorality) is introduced into public education. If there was someplace to move to, to escape this Pagan Takeover of the USA, we Bible-believers might be tempted to leave. But the duty #1 is to stay and be a witness to God and the Savior Jesus and the choice to become spiritual warriors loyal to God. It is also a time that almost screams that the time of human government on earth is drawing to a close. The Bible, the Manual for Believers, gives anyone choosing to pay attention the truth about how to escape Satan’s Big Lie.

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