Clay Bennett for March 14, 2016

  1. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    Much like any drunken conservative, this problem was brought on by yourself. You can whine about protesters and left-wing outlets all you want. But it was you who kept tipping the bottle. Staggering around and blindly blaming everyone else for your stupor. Angrily lashing out in a blind drunken rage. Maybe you can be like your hero and go kill some protesters for him. You were so drunk you didn’t know any better.

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    Odon Premium Member about 8 years ago

    A sip might be enticing, but much beyond and a rueful hangover awaits.

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    emptc12  about 8 years ago

    More like 101-Proof Wild Turkey.

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    canFunny  about 8 years ago

    When I turned 18 I decided to trow a party to celebrate, I invited all my friends and their girl friends if they had any. We all agreed to bring something to contribute to the party. My brother and sister were invited by default, but I made it clear to them that their friends were not invited. I knew that if they’ll come they would eat everything in sight with out contributing, and would start demanding to play their crappy music. My brother decided to do something else, but my sister chose to come to the party with her friends, and sure enough, they started to eat like gluttons, they demanded we play some other kind of music and to top it all they started to harrass my friends and the other guests. I trhew them all out, a couple I had to twist their arms, to my sister I had to threaten her with some info she wanted to keep confidential. They left, and the party continue. Sounds familiar. Crashing someone else’s party only shows that such person doesn’t have sufficient support to have your own party, and that their message is not believed by any one.To all of you who insist in the name calling, especially of Trump, you are letting the media decide for you who should you vote for, instead of taking the time to listen and make an informed decision. If after all you decide not to vote for whomever, I’ll respect you, otherwise you are a moron.Bennett is part of the media, he is paid to bad-mouth any one who isn’t a liberal or a socialist. Remember what happened in Paris to those cartoonists… You can count the same will happen to Bennett if the socialists are elected, there were no cartoonists in the Soviet Union, there is no cartoonists in Cuba, or North Korea, or China.

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  5. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    You knew he was a snake before you let him in.

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    cphite  about 8 years ago

    What peaceful protesters are you talking about? These are people who are showing up, yelling obscenities and deliberately disrupting the events, and then refusing to leave. News flash: You show up any ANY event where a presidential candidate is speaking and do these things, you’re going to be forced to leave; and if you resist they’re going to remove you. Period. It doesn’t matter if it’s Trump, Clinton, Sanders – whoever it happens to be.-Which is exactly why Soros and his fellow MoveOn MorOns are sending them. They know exactly what will happen; they’re counting on it. They cause a scene and then point and whine that it happened.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    disgustedamerican said, less than a minute ago

    Foreigner George Soros is funding, the paid professional “protestors” who plot and plan and travel and infiltrate Conservative and GOP public meetings, with the goal of preventing the Free Speech First Amendment Rights from happening. That is the so-called “tolerance” of the Leftwingers.-Joining Moveon, the Black Lives Matter organization does the same thing.-They use every TV story of their interference with Free Speech of those they oppose, to fund-raise by e-mails.-I suspect this MO was created and done first on US college campuses. Ironically, the supposed “higher education” to teach about the Constitutional Rights that belong to American citizens!-The unwelcome protestors who disrupt programs and speeches do their best to incite the people who took the time and expenses of travel in many cases, to attend and show support for a political candidate working for votes.-The well-funded destroyers/spoilers of public events abuse free speech to squelch the free speech of others.Not the true “spirit of America” IMO.-P.S. and then the Lefties publicly blame the victims….in this case Trump and his supporting citizens. IMO the Leftists demonstrate the MO of Tyranny.

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  8. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 8 years ago

    “Drowsiness”? really?

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    hippogriff  about 8 years ago

    canFunnyI am old enough to remember Krokodil. Not as good as Punch, but then neither are still around, so the only real difference between communism and capitalism is who is the dictator.

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    canFunny  about 8 years ago

    @hippogriffCan you PLEASE, PLEASE tell us when, where and how did Trump express his desire to infringed on the freedom of the people if he is elected president. When, where and how did he express his hate for people of different race than his. He did mentioned to stop illegal immigration and accepting refugees without vetting, however that does not constitute racism, it’s just common sense, and any legal immigrant would be okay with that, I am. Again, the media has fill your minds with garbage, and your are repeating the same garbage. Please bring facts.

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  11. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Yeah, I know that all the Trump supporters that aren’t embarrassed to admit it, honestly believe that he will build that wall and Mexico will pay for it.

    But do you Trumpettes actually believe that he would decrease the supply of cheap labor entering the country?

    Even after you heard his different various positions on H-1b visas?

    Or, maybe you can specify exactly what his position is.I’m not sure whether you should get extra credit for not looking it up.

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    hippogriff  about 8 years ago

    canFunnyBeat ’em up; punch ’em in the face; maybe we will have to kill ’em (escalation of I can stand in the middle of the street and shoot someone and not lose a vote). Are you suggesting that was all corporate media anime? Have you all decided on your shirt color yet and what to call your leader? For a while, it looked like Negotiator would be it, but then it was dropped.

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    michael Premium Member about 8 years ago

    You realize there is no evidence of “professional protestors” at Trump rallies? Given how Trump’s insulted and threatened almost everyone in the US a better question is why aren’t there more protestors?

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