Jen Sorensen for March 08, 2016

  1. Missing large
    woodwork  about 8 years ago

    how about all the regulatory laws that save lives and property, plus make our food and water (sometimes)safe?

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  2. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    I think the problem of poor regulation begins at the top and is exacerbated by a bipolar political system that does not adhere to their own mission by by favoring cronyism and obstruction over example:“OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MISSION STATEMENTWe exist to secure two fundamental principles. First, Americans have a right to know that the money Washington takes from them is well spent. And second, Americans deserve an efficient, effective government that works for them. Our duty on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is to protect these rights.

    Our solemn responsibility is to hold government accountable to taxpayers, because taxpayers have a right to know what they get from their government. We will work tirelessly, in partnership with citizen-watchdogs, to deliver the facts to the American people and bring genuine reform to the federal bureaucracy.

    This is the mission of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee."

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  3. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    Bassically its right wing male authoritans who want to tell women what to do with their bodies since they are incapable of making their own decision. Any woman that votes republican is a fool of the patriarchy.

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  4. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    What I have never understood is why republicans are wanting birth control at all.They did it I think, to win a big evangelical radicals by putting a big emphasis on 2 issues, gay people and abortion.The actual position the GOP wants is to get ls to where there are fewer people who are “living off the government” and more access to birth control and even abortion would go a long way to eliminate generational poverty. That seems like they are working against their bigger agenda, which is fewer people.If a woman has several children and already living in poverty, the it woud seem like if they want fewer people, fewer on welfare, they are doing it wrong. If they should happen to no longer Need the Fundamentalists, they would do a 180 on this topic and make birth control mandatory.

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    vwdualnomand  about 8 years ago

    conservatives state they are for personal choice, no interference from the gov’t. however, that isn’t the case. a bunch of lawyers who have no medical experience are dictating on how women’s bodies work. even worse, is a bunch of men that are proponents. some of these conservatives think that there is legitimate rape. they also believe that pregnancy is not that painful. that the life of mother doesn’t matter if there are complications. how about we put these men to a electro-shock machine, place the electrodes on their abdomens, groins and back, and shock them for 48 hours, 2 minute bursts, at the highest setting. because, that isn’t torture, just enhanced interrogation techniques. perfectly legal.

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