Robert Ariail for February 11, 2016

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    King_Shark  about 8 years ago

    They richly deserve it.

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    1941gko  about 8 years ago

    The Elephant is feeling the way Dr. Guillotine felt when run through his own designed machine!

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    Dave Ferro  about 8 years ago

    Correct. The socialists on the Democrat side will lose.

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  4. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    after Trump’s dominance in the NH Primaries get ready for a battle in South Carolina for someone to emerge as the establishment favorite. Kasich was 2nd in NH but carries a moderate message to the more conservative SC. Bush and Rubio are so close there is no clear leader of the establishment emerging. I’d say the elephant is pushing himself through the grinder and Trump is just taking advantage. If the GOP knew what it was doing it wouldn’t have let things get this far.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    twclix GoComics PRO Member said, about 11 hours ago @tom “Tommy, the demands of an interconnected species in our modern era means solutions to many problems also have to be interconnected. I know you’re set on shouting socialist at anyone who’ll listen, but more collective-action changes are coming so get ready. Sorry, man, your attempt to outrun the inevitable must be tiring. This is not about the parties and their tired tropes. It’s about how the species is slowly adapting to its own success. You, my friend, are spitting in a hurricane…against the wind.”-I think that God is sitting on His heavenly throne and laughing at twclix’ s post. “our modern era”…“collective-action changes coming”…“the species is slowly adapting to its own success”…ignoring that God created Man “perfect” but Adam used his free will to choose to downgrade himself and us, his children who inherited free will and DNA, etc.-I suggest you obtain a King James Bible and read Revelation to see “where mankind is going” and it is the opposite of “success”!-How warped is the brain that thinks collectivism (fascism, socialism, communism et al) is a “success” goal for humanity…this must be evidence of double or triple brainwashing by leftwing college professors.-God’s system is set and mankind cannot change it…every human is born a sinner and sins from birth, and needs the Savior Jesus who died to pay for all our sins and will forgive us and renew our spirit and help us live as God intended on earth, and after that, the judgment: the saved judged for rewards and the unsaved for rejecting Jesus. Best to rethink your entire philosophy, twclix. God bless you.

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    echoraven  about 8 years ago

    I saw something the other day that greatly softened my dislike for Trump. In one of the debates (I think the last one) Carson’s name was called but apparently he didn’t hear it so he stayed at the side of the stage. When Trump’s name was called up, he stood by Carson’s side. When the rest of the Republicans were called, they went up. At the end Carson was called again, went up and then Trump..That was absolute class on the part of Mr. Trump..You can watch it here:

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