Steve Breen for July 23, 2010

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    This months Car & Driver has a small article about China and it’s efforts to deal with the it’s publics demand for cars which leads to a demand for oil.

    The article is very short, and I consider it a “puff-piece” because I consider any article about China that doesn’t point out that Mao killed over 200 million Chinese a “puff-piece”.

    Here is quick summary of what China is doing –China has become the largest consumers of cars, passing America, and in the near future will have 400 million cars on the road (the US has 250 million) which will lead to a demand for 800 millions tons of oil a year.

    So (the nice thing about being a dictorshipship is that you do issue something called a “mandate”) which the Chinese government did.

    It’s called Automotive Industry Readjustment and Revitalization Plan which consoliates the current 100+ automakers into 10. It directs these automakers to continue to produce low price cars for the public, but over the next 10 years to convert most of their production to electric cars. In order to provide the kilowatts needed they will build 124 nuclear power plants, in addiation to the 17 currently under construction.

    These will financed by income from the United States – in addition to the billions we owe them in loans, they are counting on us to continue to buy from them at the current rate –they get $405 billion annually from Walmart alone.

    What are our plans?

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    rottenprat  almost 14 years ago

    Our plan is to keep the ships stocked with cheap trinkets from China coming in to port so we can buy them - because in the long run it’s cheaper than diplomats from China coming to Washington with the bill for our debt.

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    Warren what is your source for Wal-Marts Chinese purchase? 2009 gross sales were 400B

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  4. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    my barrel runneth over…

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  5. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    they need oil for these cars…

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  6. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago

    Hoist one for me!

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    LIB – I am quoting the article – If it is wrong then I am wrong, and should have doubled checked it.

    I didn’t because Car&Driver is a car magazine, not a political one with a point of view to push, and because my experience in the years of reading Car&Driver is that they print facts.

    If the figure is wrong it doesn’t change the main point which is that China is using money they make off of us to face a problem that we still aren’t facing.

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    ^ explanation accepted

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago


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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    China just bought more cars from GM than were sold in the U.S. There own auto companies are growing and emphasizing work on hybrids and all-electrics. They’re also about to put the cheapest car on the road $2,300 U.S.

    Yes, their politics may suck and Mao was terrible– so how come U.S. corporations are making all their money off THEIR labor, rather than ours???

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    TROUT - Less money to pay for workers, more money for the CAO’s.

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  12. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

    Thank god for communism.

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  13. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    It we hope to preserve our Liberty we need to stop supporting Big Oil and convert over to wind and solar..

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    ^ If you really are serious then you must realize those 2 just won’t work. The sun actually doesn’t shine 24 hours a day. Only 2 proven, practical alternatives are natural gas and nuclear.

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  15. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 14 years ago

    ^You want a nuclear CAR? Aiyee!

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  16. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 14 years ago

    But seriously, Libertarian, the sun actually does shine 24 hours a day, contrary to your strangely geocentric belief – it depends where you sit. Japan is already working on solar-power-collection satellites, an idea floated in the US in the 1970s. The sun always shines in space…

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    It’s important to differentiate “communism”, small “c”, as in our own Grange organization in the U.S. that made small farm ownership possible, to BIG “C” Communism, which is Marx, which is NOT a system supporting a communal culture.

    In Viet Nam, Afghanistan and many countries where small tribals cultures survived and interacted with each other, “communism” IS the most successful system, which includes barter as the form of exchange, rather than “play money” that Capitalism now uses, and fails miserably to provide for the good of ALL folks in the society.

    CEO’s “capitalists” see the world as “What’s mine is mine. What’s yours is mine too.” Those taking small nibbles at the low end of the scale to try to stay afloat, are NOT doing the harm of those at the top, whose yachts have not problem staying on top and steaming over life rafts.

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    MM If you actually wish to being up Japan how about the huge number of nuclear plants that they have in operation? That is the future. See France also.

    To his credit Obama has at least begun some additional funding. Nuclear=electric=auto

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  19. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 14 years ago

    I’m not disagreeing with the use of multiple tools, but solar and wind are proven technologies with fewer negative impacts than nuclear. As I’ve said, I want to fund research into fusion power. And incremental solar – putting it on homes, on cars, etc. – can greatly reduce the need for fossil fuels.

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  20. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago


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  21. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    ^^^ i was agreeing w/ you.

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  22. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    i would NEVER eat a kitteh !

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    parkersinthehouse  almost 14 years ago

    we were wondering …

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Libertarian; the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day, but my dad has these small solar lights outside, with captors that take in the sun’s energy and use it to light the lamp once the sun sets. They are cheap.

    Why don,t we work on that technology to light up streets at night?

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    badmichiganjon  almost 14 years ago

    Oh good lord, tell me your not that stupid, please.

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  26. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Froggie- it’s already being done in some applications/communities- lower wattage- longer life, plenty of light to provide “security”.

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  27. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    PARKER50 -

    considering our avatars i’m surprised you’d make such a negative comment…

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  28. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    ^ and i learned long ago never to dispute NEOCONMAN.

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