Gary Varvel for November 10, 2015

  1. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 8 years ago

    Shouldn’t he be wearing a turban and holding an envelope to his head?

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  2. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 8 years ago

    Should be done in the Gene Rayburn “Match Game” style, as a fill-in-the-blank..“The CNBC debate moderators were SO BADDD…..”.“HOW BAD WERE THEY??”.I’ve noticed that Republican primary voters in debate audiences just LOVE audience participation.

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    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    I’m sure the FBN moderators will all be properly docile. Even Faux can’t get anything past this crop of whiners.

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    the Snopes fact-checking article is interesting and IMO proves that the “progressive liberals” now smearing Dr. Carson are making up their own fairy tales that they hope will harm Carson’s campaign and high standing with a large number of voters.-Dr. Ben has always said his single mother worked hard and tried to avoid government “welfare” but did need food stamps at times. Dr. Ben was “born in 1951 and the Medicaid program began in the middle 1960s”….so no, he wasn’t dependent on Medicaid. Grants to college are not “welfare”!-Liars are bold to make up false claims, and stonewall any “fact-checking” that shows the falsehoods.-Dr. Ben Carson is a Biblical-type Christian, and has been trusted in the medical profession for decades, and has a desire as all obedient Christians have, to try to never lie.-God will bring all His children in the Faith in Jesus family to the Heavenly Awards ceremony, whatever date that will be on God’s calendar…..and reward obedience and assess loss of rewards to disobedient believers, yet God will keep them safe from the separate and different White Throne judgment of unrepentant sinners and all liars, whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life by faith in Jesus whose holiness will justify every believers. Best to make the good choice now while you still are alive, posters. Trust God who cannot lie.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    A total conviction to blind faith negates any need for facts. That IS the “big lie” of organized “biblical” religions.

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    oneoldhat  over 8 years ago

    the cnbc were so bad that even maher said they were terrible // they were on par with wwe refs

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    @dtroutma…..I agree that “blind faith” in any “organized” religions that claim the Bible is a wrong choice.-But Jesus did not command any “organization” to go and tell everyone on earth about His payment for all our sins and His offer of eternal salvation from the final result of choosing a life of deliberate sin against God; Jesus commanded individual believers to spread His Word of Life and Peace with God.-My faith is neither blind or received from any “religious organization”….my faith began as a skeptic reading scriptures to see what God had said in 66 books of instruction. It took time for me to understand and to see that it is more logical and more believable to trust the Bible, than it is to swallow the myths and lies of the anti-Bible haters of God, atheists and religious people who take a few words here and there and make up an imaginary religion that contradicts Bible teachings.-There are, unfortunately, people who have excellent eyesight, but are blind to spiritual facts and spiritual truth that God gave to Mankind in the Bible. Bible study might be the “eyewash” that some unbelievers need. Salvation is a One on One transaction… and God….based on God’s Word.

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    DrDon1  over 8 years ago

    @echoravenPoverty in the U.S. will never be wiped out as long as the GOP continues to oppose raising the $7.25/hr minimum wage.

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