Phil Hands for November 07, 2015

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 8 years ago

    What we really need to do is create more jobs. You don’t do this by raising the minimum wage of giving bigger tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations. We need to invest in growing industries and really push R&D and investment activities. In the mean time spend less on defense, revise the tax code and use the money freed up to rebuild infrastructure which would create a lot of jobs immediately.Let’s have a Kennedy Moon shot but aim it at making the US the best country in the world. There is a lot of opportunity in clean energy, improving the quality of medical care and making it more cost effective, and making our educational system the best in the world while reducing costs to make it available to everyone. Perhaps they could even try to reduce the number of lawyers we turn out every year.

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    frodo1008  over 8 years ago

    Heck, no one is saying that you can not smoke, drink, of eat fats to excess if that is just what you would want to do either. Of course your chances of reaching a reasonable old age just got a whole lot less if that is what you wish to do!

    The only point where I can see where others would wish to linit your input of such items is that it will eventually drive up the costs of everybody else’s health care as well.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 8 years ago

    Not sure what is worse, the theme or the fact that I actually know how that song goes.

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    Kip W  over 8 years ago

    Raising minimum wage puts more money in the pockets of workers who actually spend money. Raising the money at the top of the chain increases how much money gets sent to offshore accounts, with an incidental benefit to politicians who get greased to keep the system working for the top .1%.

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  5. Violence based funding
    Incredulous  over 8 years ago
    “Logically put it in a bank and accrue interest and live off the interest would be done.” Wow, at my bank that would earn a whopping 50,000. What self-respecting millionaire could live off that? What would you buy with your 1.00?


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