Michael Ramirez for October 16, 2015

  1. Missing large
    twclix  over 8 years ago

    Let’s see…unwarranted invasion of Iraq, wasting trillions of dollars on an unnecessary war, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, wounding tens of thousands of Americans while killing thousands more, bungling the job of going after Bin Laden, sending bundles of hundreds of millions of unaccounted dollars to US “sympathizers’” destroying all Iraqi institutions (including the police and military), inciting conflict between Shia and Sunni, giving the regional upper hand to Iran, marginalizing Iraqi Sunnis leading to the formation of ISIS, torture and rendition, establishment of the Guantanamo prison and so much more. Yup, old W sure did a great job. Mission Accomplished!!!!!

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    msgreymare  over 8 years ago

    twclix, after 7 years, it’s past time to stop blaming “W” and demand to know why Obama hasn’t improved the situation one iota, but instead has made everything immeasurably worse.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    The mountain of lies the Bush administration assaulted Congress with, including a redacted “public white paper”, while the REAL intelligence estimates cast grave doubts on the “rationale” for the invasion of Iraq, led to the biggest con on the public, and Congress, in history. That Hillary, and others voted for the resolution based on these fabrications (lies by ommission) was the greatest tragedy in U.S. history, period. Not to mention that any member of Congress, on either political side, was threatened with charges of treason for going against Bush, and that those on intelligence committees could not under law reveal what they knew to be falsificatons, only added to the egregious nature of those trumped up, false, reasons, to invade Iraq.

    As admitted by some more honorable Republicans, even if gaffs, prove both Iraq and Benghazi have turned into an anti-Hillary, and anti-Democratic mythology and fraud.

    What happened at Benghazi has been well documented, and even the families of those killed, espeically the Stevens family, find the attacks on Hillary, fraudulent, and a disgrace to the nation.

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  about 5 years ago

    …and the debt goes on…

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