Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for July 07, 2010

  1. F 22 raptor
    rainman5353  almost 14 years ago

    “When we got our licenses, he told often us to do the driving.”

    Sorry, I don’t understand gibberish.

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  2. Grumpy
    shmlss  almost 14 years ago

    we’re driving as a family on some strange mountain hwy in montana in 1969, i’m 12 in the front passenger seat, dad’s driving, it’s 0400 & i notice he’s going a little faster after every curve & then i yell ARE YOU AWAKE just as he’s about to miss a curve & take a nose dive down a cliff lol. dear ole dad’s ugh!!! that was the first time i asked if i could drive hehe. never quit asking either cuz i never trusted his driving after that!

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  3. Foxhound1
    bald  almost 14 years ago

    even now that he has his license, my son doesn’t want to drive, unless we are out on a country road, can’t say as though i blame him

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  4. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    In Ontario, Canada, We have ‘graduated’ licensing. Basically, 2 ‘learning’ levels, then a full level. I moved to Toronto, and let my license lapse, as I don’t really need it here.

    Driving in cities like this is annoying as hell.

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  5. Missing large
    dante.deangelo  almost 14 years ago

    I love Clayton. Considerate but bold.

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  6. 2010 10 31 026tiny
    olmail  almost 14 years ago

    my Dad gave me one driving lesson long before i could get a learner’s permit, which was 14 in Fla. at that time. that single lesson ended with him slamming the car door and yelling at me that i would just have to teach myself to drive. which i did, taking my lessons anytime one of the cars was around and parents were not. patience was not Dad’s strong point.

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  7. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    My brother got his license the day he turned 16; he couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel. My sister had her learner’s permit, but didn’t get around to actually taking the test for her license until the day before the permit expired. I never actually had a learner’s permit (never took Driver’s Ed), didn’t get my license until I was almost 21, and even then it was primarily just for ID. Both cities in which I’ve lived in my life have good public transport, and I’ve never minded using it.

    Australia’s got a good system I think we should adopt here. After you get your license, however old you are, you have to display a “P” (for “provisional”) sticker on your bumper, so that other drivers on the road know that you’re inexperienced…

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