Kevin Kallaugher by KAL for June 28, 2010

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  almost 14 years ago

    ^Which is why they simply by-pass ANandy’s comments.

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  2. Shadow avatar
    Kevin Roth Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Didn’t know you offered anything else.

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    Odon Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    andy… if you understand hypocrisy then read your own posts and wince.

    As to this toon:

    Say what you will but Jimmy Carter had energy right 30 years ago.

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  4. Think
    tpenna  almost 14 years ago

    Well said, cdward. There was once a time when ANandy offered thoughtful defenses of his positions on these boards, but that time is long gone. (Even in those days, though, his remarks were littered with the same immature name-calling.)

    Nowadays he just becomes more of a tool every day.

    Sorry, ANandy. Nobody takes it seriously when you criticize a poster like cdward. Most everybody on these boards agrees that his comments are thoughtful and reasoned. You, on the other hand…

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    dwnoname  almost 14 years ago


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    BoxCar66  almost 14 years ago

    Changing from Oil to Green is not easy. The Ethanol plants in the Midwest are closing faster than they can build them. Wind power is not reliable and expensive to operate. Nuclear is good, but hard to get permits out of the government.

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    raycity  almost 14 years ago

    Keep it up ANandy you have the liberals on the run.

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    PaddyJaye  almost 14 years ago

    ANandy: Stop the name calling.

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  9. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

    ANancy, what is Neo-socialism?

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    The U.S. is addicted to propagation, petroleum, and energy consumption. We had the chance in the 1930’s to stick with mass transit, and even more so in the ‘50’s. Instead the auto industry (yes, including unions), and oil industry sold us on single vehicle transport. I’ve recently ridden light rail in Portland Oregon. Light rail covered the same distance in 14 minutes that took 45 minutes in a car the next day. The car also had to pay for parking, burn gas, and fight traffic. The light-rail was “free” being subsidized on that route. This was a test, and the private car as “sound practice” failed miserably.

    My little town used to have bus service and air connections. No more for either. Our railroad lost its connection through to Reno- Santa Fe Burlington now being more an oil company more than railroad, they pulled the tracks.

    Rail is 500 times more efficient than trucks or cars. Solar, especially when installed locally and not transporting the electricity- IS efficient, and costs are coming down. But even at that, conservation remains the only way to get “sustainable”.

    In 1960 the average weight of a male was 160 pounds and waist size 34 inches. Today the average is 196 pounds with a 39 inch waist. Conversion to fat also requires more intake of fuel, excess fuel, just another indication of “lifestyle” in the U.S. that is becoming more self-destructive.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Japan called that Kamikaze.

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    mangoman99  almost 14 years ago

    Strange you should mention the deep end, Clark. Moments ago I posted to riko on Views Business my thought about early onset Alzheimer’s affecting ANandy.

    From what I gather, those who have read her for some time are more critical of her now than then, largely for the same reason–a repeating pattern of one dimensional,shallow goofiness.

    Could be a plausible explanation, given what I’ve read of her recent decline in sensibility.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    I got the bill when I went further out on the line.

    Rail WAS practical in the U.S. even though they had to issue their own bonds because banks wouldn’t fund them. Then there was the gift of public land to lay right of way. Those Rights of way were then pulled up when the railroads became oil companies based on their mineral rights acquired.

    Rail, and light rail, is still many times more efficient, and as the price of gas hits $10 a gallon, which it will, people will again kick themselves for pulling up those tracks and having to buy back those rights of way.

    100 mpg cars aren’t quit practical yet, let alone 200 mpg. Oil companies and car companies DID buy up a lot of patents that would produce 40-50 mpg, and they’re using them now.

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    dwnoname  almost 14 years ago

    by making clean energy economicly viable

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    dwnoname  almost 14 years ago

    good enough, no pain no gain

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