Clay Bennett for August 28, 2015

  1. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  almost 9 years ago

    Wonder how far in the future this comic is, Trump still has a HUUUUUUUUUUGE lead in the early polling. But then according to “The 27% Crazification Factor” (it’s google-able) Trump can theoretically go along where he is for quite awhile yet..Sane Republican primary voters? I’m not sure they actually exist. Considering how much of the crazy factor leans their way, there may still be room for Trump’s primary support to grow.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    His PCP wore off.

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  3. Wtp
    superposition  almost 9 years ago

    Being objective, the Republican base is declining. The fastest growing religious affiliation is NONE. Women, Blacks, Asians and Jews historically do not vote Republican and the Millennials are not fond of them. Trump tapped into the anger that some are feeling about immigration, outsourcing, automation, jobs, cost of education, and the fear of minorities becoming the new majority. Trump gave them what could be an opportunity for the Republicans to broaden their base and move forward or …

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    ARodney  almost 9 years ago

    Trump believes that the Chinese are behind the climate hoax, that the Mexican government is sending people over the border, and that Obama was not born in Hawaii. He’s a low-information candidate, and he will only get votes from low-information voters and bigots. There are more of them than ever, but I don’t think it’s a majority of Americans.

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  5. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  almost 9 years ago

    Trump has tapped into the anger towards Washingtonian arrogance and incompetence is more like it. He is not sparing the R’s or the D’s from his cross-hairs. There is no viable alternative to Trump, so there will be no fading away up until the election. Who can reasonably beat the guy? Hillary, Biden, Jeb? Give me a break, Tea Partiers and Independents are tired of the Washington cycle.

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  6. Remi in garden 9 mo 1
    Coopergirl Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Personally, we find him scary!

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  7. Kells 2
    Sharon E. Weber  almost 9 years ago

    Dear God…I hope more will follow before he drives us all to drink!

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    babbie Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Clay Bennett is one of my very favorite cartoonists. I just hope he’s not being overly optimistic here.

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