Chris Britt for August 27, 2015

  1. Missing large
    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    This cartoon is the epitome of ignorance. Instead of addressing the problems behind gun violence or violence in general, the artist pretends the NRA is the motivational force behind all gun violence in the US.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    The NRA is behind the fact that the feds can only keep sales records for five days, then the record must be destroyed by them, but the gun manufacturers, and the NRA can keep those records permanently, for future sales, and recruiting membership.

    NO restriction on magazine capacity – NRA. Focus on handguns, not rifles or shotguns for the past couple decades – NRA.

    Read “Ricochet” by former NRA lobbyist before La PIerre, and see how the lobbying group changed, for the worse, and became a shill for gun manufacturers, not hunters and “sportsmen”.

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  3. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 9 years ago

    Another cop killing in Texas this morning. By a probably deranged man whose weapon of choice was a gun because a gun is effective and easy to get. Ho hum – what will it take for them to wake up?

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  4. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 9 years ago

    Probably happens with the more twitchy members of the police force, and you couldn’t really blame them. No matter how they try to sugar coat it, the problem is a gun culture and too many

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  5. Missing large
    kevinanne  over 8 years ago

    Ah more senseless debate about America’s right to own a deadly weapon that can kill instantly at longer distances than any other type of weapon. It’s sole purpose is to destroy. Cars get us from place to place, knives can be used for cooking. Guns serve no other purpose than to kill or maim.

    We tried to keep a well-regulated militia in our constitution so we added the second amendment, and then, in compliance with the second amendment, created state’s National Guards. But somehow we’ve bastardized the second amendment to mean average citizens can arm themselves in defense of their homes. That was never the intention. So we argue back and forth about something that isn’t really the issue.

    The issue isn’t gun control. The issue is that Americans don’t give a damn about human life – unless it’s an unborn fetus. Then they get all up in arms.

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  6. Missing large
    rallsolo  over 8 years ago

    DTroutma loves bashing the NRA and doesn’t let facts get in his way. The federal government doesn’t ever receive sales records. They are bound by law to delete records of background checks. The ban on collecting information for a gun registry happened before LaPierre was president of the NRA. The ban was enacted in 1986. LaPierre wasn’t in office until 1991.

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