Drew Sheneman for August 05, 2015

  1. Missing large
    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    Four videos so far show reality is not what PP apologists are claiming. At least six more videos to go. Please feel free to make all the excuses you want. The truth is going to come out regardless of the claims. Honest folk who have seen the videos already know the truth.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Some folks also believe that everything that happens in the “Mission Impossible” movies is real and filmed live and unedited, proving gravity and physics are false theories. Editing of video is just another version of “photoshopping” someone, editing of facts is what the “pro-life” factions have done for decades, based on biblical myths and superstition, not rational facts.

    Those who bomb folks, and murder real live doctors and others, are NOT “pro-life”. Neither are those who support wars based on lies aimed at those ignorant of the after-effects, costs OTHERS will pay (just like those who are ordered by law they must carry a pregnancy to term, even if it might kill them).

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