Lisa Benson for July 30, 2015

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    On his way to the promise of a job.

    Which is just fine with Republicans. They hate illegals, but not the cheap labor provided by illegal immigration.

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    ConserveGov  almost 9 years ago

    Actually Barry is standing there with Food Stamps, free education, welfare and a promise that in most big cities he won’t even be deported if he commits a crime.No wonder illegal alien criminals are flooding into our country.

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  3. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 9 years ago

    1) Most illegal immigration comes from people entering the country legally and staying when their green card/visa expires.2) People who cross the boarder illegally are more likely to be encouraged to do so at the promise of getting jobs from companies who hire illegal immigrants than they are at the prospect of “free stuff.” They work what ever jobs they can while living as cheaply as they can to send money home to their family.What I find interesting is that all the Tea Party/Republican politicians to prattle on about illegal immigration never advocate doing anything about the companies who encourage illegal immigration by hiring illegal immigrants. You’d think the GOP would advocate an approach based on supply and demand. End the demand for illegal immigration and the supply will pretty much dry up.

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    mschleim  almost 9 years ago

    Brock are you a fool, or just pretending to be one in order to challenge narrowminded to provide you with easily found links. Google is your friend…. get off the Obama bandwagon, (not saying you have to go all the way to the TEA party side, just quit parroting liberal drivel) and do some reading. Do some research. We all know we have an invasion going on. We all know that illegals here committing certain crimes are not being jailed much less deported. We all know something needs to be done. We all know that NO ONE at the Federal level (DEMS and REPUBS) want to do anything about it because of all the $$$$ they receive from their Fat Cat buddies to keep the cheap labor flowing in. We all know all these things, with or without links being provided. SO, don’t be condescending to someone who simply wants our border protected and our laws enforced. I also want these things, however I place the blame not ONLY at Obama (he surely can take partial credit) but at ALL politicians sitting in DC turning a blind eye to it, in order to keep their donors happy…. this is not a DEM/REP problem, this is an American problem.

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    Catherine Spencer-Mills Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Don’t know where you live. Across the street from where I live is a large house not in the best repair. There are at least two families living there and sometimes they have visitors.

    Yeah, some of the cars are not street legal – I have one of those in my own yard I plan to donate in the next month.

    My neighbors? They work. Everyone works. Sometimes strange hours, sometimes on the weekends, but they all work. They are legal. One of my neighbors complained and INS checked out their paperwork. Legal.

    They are law abiding. No drugs, no wild parties. The kids get out the portable stereo occasionally and play hip-hop. If dad gets a CD in, he plays mariachi music. Reminds me of growing up in Arizona.

    I get mail all the time for people who do not live at my house. It’s none of my business who it is from or what is going on. I put “not at this address” on the envelope and put it out to be picked up. I get phone calls for people who don’t live here. I tell the caller so and hang up.

    Reminds me of a story a realtor told me. She had shown the house I was looking at to someone else. They told a long story about how bad their neighbors were at the house they were currently living in. So bad they decided to move. They asked her, so, how bad are the neighbors here? She said, probably as bad as the ones where you live now.

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Your anecdotal example lacks verisimilitude.

    I believe this is a repeat from some weeks ago and RT asked whether you had contacted authorities and what was the result.

    I did not see your response anywhere.

    Brings to mind the NYT article you linked that ‘proved’ that Saddam had chemical weapons. The article was actually about how many of our troops had been killed or seriously injured by obsolete chemical weapons in Iraq.

    I asked several times if you had even read the article you linked.

    Again, no response.

    The threshold of embarassment of Fox “news” viewers is astonishing.

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    Mike Herman  almost 9 years ago

    Hello? Isn’t Barry still in charge of enforcing border laws? Why are his apologists deflecting his lawlessness to Republican? Whenever their Messiah is challenged they seem to always point to George Bush or a Republican Congress to excuse Barry’s fusterclucks.

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  8. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 9 years ago

    You will probably never will see this, it’s from yesterday.But I can tell you how disgusted I am at you, to promise a decent wage, let them give you a weeks work then turn them in??That is being a real low-life to treat fellow humans like that.Do you think Jesus would wink and laugh with you?He would NOT.Shame on you!You adMit to treating people like this and even sound Proud of it..Eye of a needle my friend, eye of a needle.

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