ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for May 27, 2010

  1. Missing large
    SherriannPederson  about 14 years ago

    Which Saad?

    The Saad’s are significant in US politics……………

    However, they are just humans who have lived in North America, and are part of the US political family.

    They are the president and his wife; Barack and Michelle Obama….AKA respectively, David and Michelle Saad. (Michelle is David’s mother).

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  2. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    Are they telepathic?

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  3. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago


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    comYics  about 14 years ago

    Hey Palestino, just out of curiosity. Are you interested in Gaza because you want to own that land? or because you want to join Isreal and protect Israel?

    Regardless of your traditions and how they differ, cant you get along with the citizens of Israel without demanding a piece of land from an already minor piece of land that is already established, namely Israel itself.

    Regardless of what you may have thought concerning problems your faceing, I have problems also concerning situations that runners of certain countries rip people off and use them as slaves for theyre own gain, so that they may live comfortably while “peon’s” like us slave and are forced to pay 20% of our paychecks to people that havnt earned it and use it to their benefit instead of the people’s where it belongs.

    Im just attempting to establish a common ground with you since we are both basically faceing huge problems that need to be fixed and slowly, it seems sometimes, to be moving in that direction.

    It really isnt an issue with people, we are each born, basically the same way. Joseph was abused by his brothers but eventually overcame and found favor with a pharoah and yet he still provided for his family. A love that endured, overcame, and eventually obtained victory by just loveing and believing. I believe this is the solution to our problems and eventually we will overcome the differences and be victorious in a loving way instead of a violent or forceful way.

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  5. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago

    Hey ,comYics I tell you something about myself, I didn’t come from Russia or Poland or the four corners of the world.. I m a Palestinian ..who’s grandfathers cultivated the holyland for thousands of years ..their graves are in Palestine all the time ..even my genes and blood are formed from the elements of this land..

    I didn’t come on the shoulders of the British soldiers 1n1917..

    I never invaded any country..or stole the houses and farms of the poor people..and I don’t like strangers to call my country “Israel”..because that is a lie..

    I know that you hate the fact that I exist ..but I’m there and I will continue to be there..because I ‘m convinsed that God is always on the side of the poor and justice..

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  6. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 14 years ago

    ^as an Acadian I can’t help but understand you. My ancestors have gone through the same thing. Now we don’t have a country named Acadia, but we’re equals with the english in Canada.

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  7. Missing large
    comYics  about 14 years ago

    You lied and said that “you hate the fact the I exist ..”.

    If you believe in God, you will repent of that lie and stop falsely accusing me.

    I wrote that in a tone as a fellow human and stated that I have problems also, your not the only one. Each human is going through a problem in one form or another. I do not care what race or “tradition your serving or how long your “family” was at a particular place. Your not Adam, yet each human came from Adam and Adam was created by God. So don’t try to tell me about how long your roots have been around I could care less. False accusation are abominations to God, Id recommend you stop.

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  8. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 14 years ago

    ^Just for fun, comyics, you should know the bible does not say we are all descended from Adam and Eve. It only says they were the first and that they were the ones expelled from Eden. After that, it seems fairly clear that God created other people because Cain ran off to the land of Nod where he took a wife. It doesn’t say that she was Adam & Eve’s daughter, nor that Nod was built by them.

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  9. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 14 years ago



    comYics compares his tax woes with the woes of a people without an independent homeland. Yeah, it compares. :-|


    then gets upset when…


    nm, move along.

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  10. Missing large
    comYics  about 14 years ago

    cdward, Im hardly trying to listen to a so called preacher that doesnt believe the Holy Bible is literal. In fact, I believe in that fact that Jesus was crucified, and without that belief that, that literally happened, your “preacher” status instantly became worthless dribble.

    Fortunately for me I don’t have a need of your teachings about Cain and nod and Abel and Adam and Eve. God has already taught me of these things and I am well aware of the literal meaning indicated.

    I understand that a soft word turns away wrath, but I doubt you’ve got a leg to stand on seeing as you don’t actually have an understanding of The Holy Bible. I’d recommend praying to God, the only God and asking Him for the Holy Spirit, humbly.

    Flesh dies cdward, a result of Eve eating on a forbidden fruit. (1 Timothy 2:14 KJV) To try to justify your skin color or race is to follow after the flesh. A wordly, perishing way, that will only end in destruction. If your typing, cdward, your literally typing. If you werent literally typing, your comment typing doesnt appear on website.

    1 Corinthians 15:45 KJV And so it is written , The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

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