Lalo Alcaraz for March 24, 2015

  1. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  about 9 years ago

    Ted’s burning the American flag!!!

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    dzw3030  about 9 years ago

    Lalo, try harder. Mr. Cruz is a US citizen. Your impression of a birther Loon is beneath you.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Hillary started the Birther movement.

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  4. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 9 years ago

    Ted Cruz is batshit crazy.Hillary is capable but has old baggage.

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  5. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    To an extent this cartoon is demonstrating the hypocrisy of the far-right birther movement against Obama. As sue points out, Cruz, just like Obama, was born to a US citizen and so qualifies as a natural-born citizen, no matter where he was born. But many in the birther movement are just now discovering this little fact now that Cruz is in the presidential running, whereas they completely ignored that little fact when it came to Obama.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Just a point: Cruz was born in Canada, American mother, Cuban father, and until recently held DUAL citizenship and he did emigrate to the U.S., keepiing that Canadian citizenship which means he’s not a “natural born” American citizen. Had he never held Canadian ciiizenship, then things would be different.

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    hippogriff  about 9 years ago

    r2varney: Not a Cuban refugee. Raphel was a Batistiano (Batista was a Mafia puppet) who got out well before the Cuban people forced Batista out.

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  8. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    Are you sure you are talking to one person or to the family again? Just askin’

    Could be a whole village. In which case we can just treat the screen name as someone with, shall we say, a complex personality.

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  9. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    On the contrary, I think it shows the hypocrisy of those that (correctly) insisted that Obama was eligible, but now turn around and say Cruz isn’t eligible, solely for partisan reasons.

    How many of those people have you actually heard from? Really. There are some folks who were misinformed about what makes one a citizen, but once they’ve been corrected, I haven’t heard another peep from them about Cruz’s eligibility. But your post does demonstrate your own partisanship.

    this was a criticism leveled first by Hillary Clinton, who I suppose you will have no problem voting for.

    No, it was arguably started through anonymous emails of supporters of Hillary Clinton. Absolutely not the same thing.

    And to suppose I’d have no problem voting for Clinton is to suppose quite a bit. I’d very much prefer Bernie Sanders. But you know who I won’t be voting for? Any of the Republicans who have been making noises about running.

    (Regarding Ted Cruz being a good candidate): Actually he is.

    Hoo boy. Tell that to the Republican primary voters being polled. His numbers are actually down since he declared. He polls lower than “None/No One” and barely above “Someone Else.” As far as the presidential race goes, a winner he is not.

    No, he’ anti-ILLEGAL-immigrant.

    No, his policy stances are pretty much anti-immigrant in general. To be fair, they’re anti-poor people, anti-women, and anti-a whole lot of other folks, too.

    The Government, all 13% of it, was shut down for my and his constituent’s interest. BTW, today is Sunday. The Government has been shut down since Friday at 5PM. Hope you haven’t fallen to pieces.

    The government was shut down in direct contravention of my interests, and of the large majority of people in this country. And for what? To make sure more people wouldn’t get access to affordable health insurance, and to bring us back to a situation where you could be rejected by insurance for preexisting conditions. A large part of why he failed? The people of this country were against him.

    BTW, today is Sunday. The Government has been shut down since Friday at 5PM. Hope you haven’t fallen to pieces.

    Way to downplay what was a serious situation, with at the very minimum many thousands of people not knowing where their next paycheck was coming from. And many parts of government do indeed stay open on Sundays. For instance, those national parks and monuments that had to close during the shutdown—something Republicans started raising holy hell about when Cruz’s Excellent Shutdown Adventure got underway.

    Most Americans hate those things [IRS and Obamacare].

    Regarding the IRS: people in general don’t like giving up money for things that they don’t see an immediate and direct benefit for. Heck, people don’t like writing checks for their mortgage/rent or utilities. But tell me this: if we don’t have the IRS, how to you propose revenue collection would happen?

    Regarding Obamacare: when people are asked about the various provisions of the ACA without them being linked to the name Obamacare, they do in fact like them, by large majorities. And many of those who say they don’t like Obamacare say so because we want a single-payer system, just like other civilized industrialized countries do. In fact, the majority of people, whether they like Obamacare or not, say to keep and/or fix it, not get rid of it. Which is to say, your premise is spurious.

    The Establishment Wing of the Republican Party is the second worst thing about Congress, with the first being the Progressive Wing of the Democrat Party. Being outside that group is also a Good Thing!

    We fundamentally disagree about the progressive wing of the Democratic Party (Democratic). But yes, the establishment Republicans are indeed the second worst thing, after the Cruz/Gohmer/King/Labrador nutcase wing.

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  10. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    And just to head you off, I’ve never been a “birther”. I’m a “transcripter”. He had his college application sealed because he checked the box “foreign aid student”

    Yeah, that little story was given a nice, fat “false” by Snopes and FactCheck, among others, who debunked the story way back in 2009. You, my friend, have been taken in by an April Fool’s hoax.

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  11. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    Aside from MSNBC, CNN and the liberal trolls on this forum? None.

    Well, there ya go. Except that CNN in your very own linked post came out and said that legal experts found Cruz in the clear for that. In fact, I hear a bunch of questions about whether Cruz is eligible (he is), but not a lot of holding onto that idea. Or do you think we’ll have a full-fledged birther movement over it? Like the one that right-wingers including Nutty Trump and Nuttier Taitz have been running for more than the last six years?

    It was actually Harry Reid’s obstinance that shut down the government, anyway.

    No, even Cruz’s Republican colleagues say that Cruz owns the shutdown. Heck, Cruz himself has come out as proud of it. The only thing the Democrats did was to declare they wouldn’t negotiate with hostage-takers any more. And they won that battle. Too bad they didn’t do anything with it.

    Nobody is proposing doing away with taxes or the means to collect them

    Okay. So how would you propose to do so without the IRS? It was a simple question then, and is apparently a simply question now. Or is it? By the way, as funding for IRS enforcement has gone down, the amount of taxes not paid has gone up, particularly from wealthier individuals.

    My premise is based on polls, yours on conjecture.

    No, my premise about Obamacare—that people like all the stuff it has in it when they’re asked about that stuff without the Obama label given to it, is actually born out in real-life, honest-to-goodness polling. Your attempts to wish it away notwithstanding.

    This really doesn’t mean much to me coming from someone who wants to vote for self described Socialist Bernie Sanders.

    You say socialist as if it’s a bad word. I don’t. And yeah, I don’t expect much of anything I say to mean much to you, since you’ve already proven time and again that your outlook is reality-challenged.

    Both hose sites simply say a specific email that was floating around purporting to “prove” something, and which I have never read, was bogus. They don’t tackle my specific charge one way or the other.

    Yeah, they actually do. This is where your belief originated from, whether you recognize it or not. In the meantime, you’ve given no proof of what you gave as a positive statement, “He had his college application sealed because he checked the box ‘foreign aid student.’” So riddle me this: if his college application is sealed, how do you know he checked off that box? Please, show us the incontrovertible evidence, since you present your statement as fact.

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  12. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    would insert himself into an argum3nt between a boor and an elderly lady

    Hey, who ya callin’ an elderly lady?

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