Nick Anderson for February 27, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Yep. Hope folks vote Labor instead of Likud.

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  2. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 9 years ago

    Almost effortless research will reveal that Netanyahu’s appearance before Congress is financed by Sheldon Adelson, an 81-year-old American billionaire, Las Vegas casino bigwig, and publisher to whom Netanyahu owes his political well-being by virtue of Adelson’s Israeli newspaper, “Israel Ha Yom”. Adelson’s paper is distributed free throughout Israel, promotes Netanyahu unswervingly, and attacks Netanyahu’s rivals unhesitatingly. Adelson is the puppet-master, having brought tens of thousands of Americans, including congressmen, on partisan tours of Israel to promote Adelson’s personal agenda opposing any type of settlement with Palestine. Boehner and his hangers-on are as much in Adelson’s pocket as they can be, beholden as they are by Adelson’s very deep pockets when it comes time for political campaign donations.

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    WestNYC Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Bibi is well aware that most Jewish voters are overwhelmingly Democratic. It wouldn’t be wise to alienate them.

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  4. Wrong
    BaltoBill  about 9 years ago

    Could you picks a more biased source than Daily Caller? They are as relevant as the Weekly World News.

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    Jews are fleeing Europe for their lives right now.Nazi’s? No, Islamic Terrorists.That’s what u get when you open the flood gates to immigrants from the Middle East.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    The actions of such as the “old” Sharon (refugee camps in Lebanon), Netanyahu, and RADICALS on the right in LIkud, AIPAC, or the early day ETSEL and LESCHI, ARE the “kinder, gentler” version of the Communist purges and/or “Nazi” campaigns. Gaza, West Bank, attacks on Syria, Iraq, or wherever they choose hardly gives them credit for “seeking peace in our time”, then throw in their massive supply of nuclear weapons.

    There ARE far more rational folks in the world Jewish community, but they aren’t the ones getting press or support from our own chickenhawk brigade, in Congress, media, or the Military Industrial Complex tied intimately to Israel’s weapons development and production process, like drones, electronics, etc.

    It is a horror that happened in Europe at the turn of the last century, just like the horror radical Zionists brought to the Palestinian territories and British. It was in large part the failure/refusal of AMERICANS such as Henry Ford and Prescott Bush to give santuary to Jews attempting to flee BEFORE the holocaust was in full operation that led to much of the carnage. Don’t forget the Roma, trade unionists, gays, mentally disabled, and others who died in the camps, because America largely turned its back until 1941, when WE declared war on Japan, resulting in Hitler declaring war, on the United States. Even there, he had to act first!

    The issue is when the 90 pound weakling, who was once the biggest bully in the known world, gets kicked out by a stronger power (Rome), and suffers for centuries to build up its hatred, again gains strength and allies to become again the biggest bully on the block, with the cry of “I’m the only victim here”, and nobody calls them out for it.

    Radicals in Islam are now our target, and yet we refused to see the history of THEIR grievances, not just their reaction to those grievances. Netanyahu and the extremists ARE the same mental group. If you don’t believe it, ask the mother in Gaza holding her dead child, killed by Israeli “defense”, just as you address the horror of those displaced by ISIL/Al Qaeda, or the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Radicalism and the resulting wars come in different guises, and we should be not distracted, or MOVED, by those with the best press releases, either “saintly” or “satanic”.

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    Harleyquinn said, about 13 hours ago@ahabYou may have noticed that America’s early economic dependance on slave labor resulted in some social unrest since…"Well I am sure the Muslim traders of yesterday who are still trading today might help you out. I hear the older the girl the cheaper she is in ISIS controlled land—————————————————————————————Disgusting, but true. These Muslims prefer 12 year old girls as slaves.

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    Good to hear Ahab.Please share with some of your liberal friends who think they’re freedom fighters just responding to oppression.

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