Steve Benson for December 05, 2014

  1. Mroh
    Back_phil  over 9 years ago

    For all you bleeding hearts out there that believe the cops are out to kill….Fire all the cops, close all police departments. Let people live free and do want ever the f**k they want. Look at all the money that can be saved.

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  2. Mroh
    Back_phil  over 9 years ago

    I wouldn’t consider myself a liberal by any measure. Two of my neighbors and friends are retired state police officers. My daughter’s father-in-law is a retired police officer.

    One of my co-workers was a Law Enforcement Officer for the agency we worked for. She was killed in the line of duty, her face was blown off.

    Talk to these type of people and maybe you’d get a hint of the sh*t they have to put up with day in and day out.

    I don’t have any sympathy for any of those that run from the law or resist arrest, they deserve what they get.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    NObody appled a “choke hold” on Garner. Actually, the use of a “sleeper” hold to block the carotic arteries, and render the suspect unconsious, IS the actual use and purpose of such a restaining hold, and NOT to strangle the person, and close the airway, as THAT would require crushing the trachea (a rigid cartilege structure), and yes, killing the person.

    Many areas have banned the sleeper hold because of potential damage to tissues, and permanent injury.

    Garner suffered respiratory DISTRESS, not ARREST on the street, and he was removed alive, and breathing, to the hospital, where he later did pass.

    Just a thought; how many gun homicides were committed in the U.S. since Mr. Garner died, and how many arrests have been made, or investigations begun, by police officers intent on catching the “bad guys”??

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  4. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    They still used a tactic they were not allowed to use.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    a follow up video on the Garner case is now being shown claiming it shows even “more brutal” treatement. What the video actually shows is cops keeping spectators moving so they can do their jobs, which: they placed him in “coma position”, they kept calling for the ambulance, the one officer kept talking to Garner and making sure he had pulse and respirations. When the EMT arrived she confirmed he had pulse and respirations. Thus there was no need, as folks have demanded, to give him CPR, as THAT WOULD KILL HIM!!

    Garner was definitely breathing (which, for the uninitiated means his heart had to be beating) when they left with him on the gurney, which required six to lift as Garner was BIG!

    Folks are now creating a site on the street where Garner supposedly “died”. They need to go to the hospital.

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  6. Missing large
    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    Amen. Ticket and fine, sure. Stern talking too, I’m with them. Arrest? Really? Wasn’t there some rapist, child molester or murderer that could have gone in that cell as opposed to someone selling UNTAXED CIGARETTES?.This time, Mr. Benson purchased the flowers, nailed it and did pillow talk afterwards. Brilliant.

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