Michael Ramirez for November 13, 2014

  1. Missing large
    oneoldhat  over 9 years ago

    a missionary from costa rica the other sunday said an USA employee down there told parents send kids now and they will get food , clothing ,shelter , health care , and education and in a year or so you will be invited to join them

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    0 and the Dems say “You’re a chump if you waited years to come here the legal way”.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    “Coyotes” did lie to people about sending their kids north, that’s been reported numerous times. That the parents want the kids safe and away from the drug lords making their money by selling drugs here in the states, to give them more power, is also true. That a large portion of our agricutlural community has long, and still does, depend on “stoop labor” by “undocumented workers” DOES indicate we need to revise our laws to again make “guest workers” LEGAL TAXPAYERS who will then take their cash home and help their own countries without fear of arrest.

    But the real immigration issue is; Can you trace at least part of your ancestry to native American groups from either North OR South America? If the answer is yes, you can stay. If not, then go back where you came from. The current deportation argument comes from those actually saying; “I got mine, screw you!”

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