Henry Payne for October 29, 2014

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    “I was just very lucky with Whitewater.”“Not sure what happened to Vince Foster”.On and on with this first family of lies.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    wmds, yes it WAS his fault, and those hundreds of lies that killed hundreds of thousands of people, deserves the blame. It’s sickening to see any shrub booster even consider attacking on “honesty”.

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  3. Wrong
    BaltoBill  over 9 years ago

    A republican laundry list of statements quoted out of context, or like the second sentence, completely made up… but what does it matter anyway? (He forgot that one).

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    Mark Tretter  over 9 years ago

    Are you forgetting the Bill Clinton decided bin Laden wasn’t a threat and turned down an offer from Sudan to capture him? Maybe 9/11 and all that happened afterward could have been avoided?

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  5. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 9 years ago

    If only it was fiction…

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    Weboh  over 9 years ago

    1. Nobody ever said that cars are more important than people. But they are important to people. And there is less evidence for global warming than you would think. Just any scientist who says anything against it is labeled as a “denier,” and is ridiculed and all of their discoveries from that point on are ignored because “they must be stupid—they don’t believe in climate change.” That’s why you find so many scientists in agreement. Just remember: “All” scientists were in agreement about the sun and all the planets revolving around the Earth, and before that they were all in agreement about the Earth being flat. The fact that they agree doesn’t make it true.3. Tax cuts have been shown to increase income inequality. But the point of taxes isn’t to punish people for making money, and yes, creating jobs. You are right in saying that companies avoid creating jobs unless they absolutely have to, but if they have more money to spend, they;ll be willing to expand, and expansion almost always equals more jobs. Raising the minimum wage on the other hand, will make businesses more reluctant to expand and make jobs, because now they’ll have to pay everyone more, and they can’t afford that. They’ll have to raise prices to make up the difference, which means that all the extra money the people get isn’t going toward raising demand, but rather toward raising inflation.

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  7. Missing large
    Weboh  over 9 years ago

    “A large percentage of Payne’s ‘toons are about cars.” That doesn’t mean anyone thinks they’re more valuable than humans. :/“Most of the deniers are funded by the Koch brothers to protect their fossil fuel interests.” And most of the “fear-mongers” (note how calling the people that disagree with you a cutesy, attacking name “adds” to your point; you can’t argue with me because that’s just how those people are) are funded by the government to give them an excuse for more control. No, not most of them are; most of the studies “against” global warming aren’t funded by the Koch brothers either. “Many are not scientists at all…” And many people on the news with the latest climate change reports aren’t scientists either. Your point? “I’ve given you several links to show that your claims about minimum wage are NOT true. Nothing with any facts from you.” I haven’t seen any links. And even if you gave me one, it would undoubtedly be from a respected economist who never had any experience in the real world outside of his books. “Companies are sitting on the money from those tax cuts.” How do you think they got that money? By investing in new products to sell (by funding research, which is done by people with jobs) and by selling more product (which takes more people, which again, is a job). Companies would be foolish to wait until there’s demand for a product to up their assembly lines/R&D. By the time they got it all ready, most of that new demand would be gone. Have you had any experience at all with a business?

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