Mike Lester for October 23, 2014

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    This week’s fake issue. Every week it changes. The Obamabots holler, “climate change!” The next week they’re all yelling, “war on women!” Then suddenly, it is, “voter suppression!” The week after, “minimum wage!” Then, “fake scandals!” And the funny thing is, when they change slogans the old talky point falls into a memory hole and you don’t hear about it again until the slogan cycle ends and the rotation begins again.And we’re supposed to be fooled by this plastic carp? Pro-tip, lib dems: when it becomes button-pushing obvious, you are only fooling the willing.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    And the Republicans have a whole flock they’be been bleeding dry for a long time, like well, Benghazi, Ebola, ACA, on, and on…

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    oneoldhat  over 9 years ago

    radish you make no sense

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  4. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  over 9 years ago

    Officer Wilson’s story is now corroborated not only by the autopsy but by half a dozen witnesses:-http://legalinsurrection.com/2014/10/michael-brown-autopsy-a-further-blow-to-ferguson-racial-narrative/-The last one can say is that this is an uncertain case, and it is even possible that based on the available evidence it is likelier than not that Officer Wilson’s story is true. Demagogic and racial appeals by the Democratic party in the face of this evidence represent a sacrifice of justice for the sake of votes.

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    Wraithkin  over 9 years ago

    It has more to do with thought police. When we have a people preaching about how the LGBT community should be permitted to marry, and anyone who disagrees with them is wrong and publicly vilified, that’s inappropriate. It today’s society, if you are a white middle class heterosexual male, you are instantly guilty of: - Sexism- Racism- Homophobia- Oppression- Bigotry- etcWhat makes my opinion any less valid than the next person’s? Why is my expression of support of traditional marriage being deemed hate speech, but when the LGBT community barks about how wrong we are, it’s considered socially acceptable? It’s the double standard that is the issue. We can be called whitey, crackers, etc. But if we even utter the term “black” we are racist. Everyone is allowed to use every epitaph known to man in a demeaning manner towards us, but if we use anything other than “approved words” to describe others we are bigots. It’s crap. And when set against the backdrop of this Ferguson case where the large individual assaulted a police officer, charged him and the autopsy confirms it, people still think there’s some vast conspiracy to oppress (insert group here). And those in the media pander to their base to try to rile them up so they can get more headlines. And idiots like Sharpton and Jackson thrive on this kind of conflict. We need a new MLK Jr. We need someone to preach to the masses to exercise calm, and come together as a people instead of trying to find a way to divide us. And stirring the pot in an attempt to exact “social justice” doesn’t accomplish that. All it does is continue to drive a wedge. And that’s what we are seeing in Ferguson.

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  6. P1030246
    louieglutz  over 9 years ago

    the blacks turned out 6% of the votes in ferguson in the last elections. you get what you vote for.

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  7. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “if you take it at face value, every Republican man and woman in the country is going to abandon their spouse and go for a same sex marriage just as quick as it’s legal.”Larry CraigTed HaggardRoberto ArangoEdward SchrockRichard Curtis

    Aaron Schock (Rumored, but he’s pretty good lookin’)And of courseMarcus Bachmann

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