Lalo Alcaraz for October 21, 2014

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    Joe Martin Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The real danger here is the attempt to frighten the population into complete control of our weapons so that we can be defenseless against the takeover of the rest of our rights.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Yes, there’s no comparing the horror that is one guy dying from a disease he brought in, and infecting two nurses who apparently are getting well, to a mere 30,000 gun fatalities a year, half of those are homicides. Note how rarely you see the stats on those “wounded” who will heal, even when minus body parts they used to think they needed, like arms, legs, full brains, eyes, etc.

    Yes, I ‘m a gun owner and I can verify the NRA is right! That my guns stay locked up most of the time still, obviously remains, why I haven’t been pillaged, prodded, and abucted by Martians, or those from outside our solar system who KNOW I’ve got those guns, so they quake in fear at the mere thought of invading THIS human’s house!!

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    Quipss  over 9 years ago

    Actually ebola like gun violence is not preventable, at no likely point will mankind be completely virus free.

    Success is fewer and fewer people dying. Having a homicide rate that is about 3x greater than expected for a developed country leaves a fair amount of room for policies to REDUCE gun violence.

    While mass shootings are photogenic they ultimately represent less than 1% of all gun deaths, likewise career murderers represent less than 2% of all felons. Most murders occur in the home, normally spousal. Many do so in a fit of rage. A gun unfortunately makes it easy to kill in a few seconds of rage.

    Reducing gun violence is not about reducing criminal access to guns but reducing the access in a brief few seconds.

    Aside from that anti-gun policy has the social engineering impact of implicitly making the use of guns a negative.

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    canFunny  over 9 years ago

    Near the beginning of the Ebola crisis I heard and saw a nurse stating that the influenza kills more people than Ebola ever will. Drunk driving also kills more people than guns do. Lalo Alcaraz is doing what media does well speculate, lie, incite with false information, and a general disregard for the truth. Shame on you Lalo.

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  5. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  over 9 years ago

    “Too bad you can’t count the lives guns have saved.”-Agreed. How many neighborhoods are safer because it is known that some of the residents own guns? It is hard to quantify these kinds of benefits of gun ownership but they do exist.

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  6. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    It’s SARCASM, logicalone, SARCASM!

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  7. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Reasonable registration and control of firearms can help, but is only a small part of the larger problem. The major problem is societal. Most gun owners are responsible, respectful of laws, and own them for various, legitimate reasons. ( I own a rifle) .But many are afraid, fearful of what is happening in today’s world. Uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants. Violent crimes. Robberies. Assaults. Losing one’s livelyhood. Being denied the opportunity for employment, due to race, age or religion.Our neighbors. Our corrupt politicians. Knowing one lives in an economically and politically rigged system, and you are getting the short end of the stick. Despair, hopelessness, or just plain hatred. Technology and societal mores change so rapidly, one can easily get confused, disjointed, fearful of being left behind. .Fear, alienation, isolation is scaring the hell out of many. Having easy access to a gun can seem a solution, maybe the only solution, to some.. Ours in not a “Norman Rockwell” kind of world. Since 1981, we have been herded down a dark road, which for many, leads nowhere.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    In gang areas around the U.S. , the FACT is that almost everyone in these gangs today has a gun, and gee, it doesn’t seem to reduce the violence, it merely INCREASE it. “Drive by shootings” weren’t a thing in my younger days, as you couldn’t do much damage driving by with bike chains, or even clubs and knives.

    A “mass killng” btw in police statistics is whenever there are three or more victims. Interestingly, in brown or black communities these are rarely reported as such, just “gang bangers” out for entertaiment in that scene. Compton, Houston, and dozens of towns that have higher gun deaths per 100,000 population than Chicago, like well, Miami. It is that number per 100,000 population btw, not just the simple numbers, that indicates what your odds of getting dead there are.

    Throw in the guns per gang numbers, and the statistics again fall outside NRA interests, or reporting.

    The most hilarious numbers though are NRA’s “crimes prevented” by gun ownership. I LOVE their actual “Armed Citizen” reports of granny blasting away at Mr. Burglar, firing 10-12 rounds, and never hitting the bad guy. They also don’t like reporting the DOJ and other source statistics that show that while not always fatal, over 90% of folks with guns who confront “bad guys” with guns, DO GET SHOT!

    Guns in amateur hands typically are used “effectively” only on UNarmed “bad guys”, as is often noted, but barely, in those “armed citizen” stories.

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    SClark55 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I agree there likely is too much fear in some quarters about Ebola, but why is it such a passion of the left to downplay it so much? I’m pretty sure that if Obama hadn’t mistakenly taken it so lightly as he did at one point, these cartoonists on the left wouldn’t be downplaying it so much.By the same token, if Bush had mistakenly downplayed it, he’d be getting crucified by the left.

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    WOW! Big scary gun! Pay no attention to the little man holding it!

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Marysville, Washington, this morning, no problem at all…

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    Lalo’s biggest crime is cartooning while brown. Yea, the race card, but it is needed when the cross-burners start quoting Fox and the Nazi Revolutionary Army.

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    therickdude40  over 9 years ago

    Where is the drunk driver? More lives are destroyed by DUIs than guns. Shall we bring back prohibition?

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