Steve Breen for October 05, 2014

  1. Missing large
    jones.knik  over 9 years ago

    We should have never invaded Iraq but the stupidest thing done in Iraq was disbanding the Republican Guard. If Iraq still had the Republican Guard, the country would still be functioning. Our government has turned almost every secular country in the Mideast into failed states, everyone they’ve reached out and touched (Iraq, Libya, and Syria is in the works).

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  2. Pnutbowlavatar
    Thomas R. Williams  over 9 years ago

    In 2002 WE warned Bush not to put troops in Iraq.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 9 years ago

    Damned if you do, damned if you don´t.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    In 2008 Bush simply said, total pullout by 2011, and announced it while ducking a couple shoes. But the real problem was invading, in ’91 by daddy, and ultimately in 2003 for totally fraudulent purposes. “Shock and awe”, and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis is what created ISIL and many other smaller, less recognized “resistance” groups, and simple fed up individuals.

    ISIL killing innocents violates basic fundamental principles of Islam as laid down by Mohammed, and stated repeatedly by many Muslim leaders around the world- who are ignored in the U.S. press, and right-wing media especially(which is most of the media). ISIL has brutally and illigitmately by their own supposed faith they violate, murdered 4 people. How many did “W” and Cheney kill again?

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    Quipss  over 9 years ago

    The concept of rebuilding a foreign country to fit ones own views is a time tried horrible idea. From the Romans in Britain, the Normans in Britain, the French in Britain, the British in Ireland, the Japanese in Korea to the Danish in Norway it does not matter how long, nor how harshly one occupies a country it will not change its fundamental culture.-To change a culture soft influence works best, a gradual ebb stemming from notable achievements and generosity that makes other countries try to imitate. You will notice that the Arab spring which at the very least attempted democracy was not influenced by bombs coming from the west. It is worth noting that both Yemen and Tunisia are the more successful of the arab spring and both were peaceful departures-To force a change one must supplement the culture with your own. I.E have lots of your own people move into the new territory. This is what China is doing in Tibet at the moment, what colonists did in North America. What the Russians did in Crimea historically. -However unlike the aforementioned cases Iraq has a dense population. Trying to convince >34 million Americans to move to Iraq and put the local population as a minority would be a difficult proposition. But one could imagine if the population was say 2 million convincing 3 million people to move by offers of free land.

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  6. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 9 years ago

    Getting a SOF agreement and staying in Iraq was not an option. Maliki’s Iranian advisors would see to that. A continuing presence in Afghanistan slightly better – at least that was the home base of the 9/11 terrorists and probably a continuing haven for terrorists because of it’s isolation and lawlessness.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Uh, when did either Bush or Obama become President of Iraq, and well, Afghanistan? It IS and has been Iraq’s responsibility to govern their country and remain autonomous. That MALAKI AND BUSH called for the pullout, at Malaki’s insistance, perhaps THAT was the problem? Oh,right it was Chalabi, Malaki, and the Bush administration that threw all the Iraqi Army folks out, ended the police force, drove out all Baathists (even those token ones who went along to stay alive under Saddam), Sunnis, doctors, technicians, and educated folks out of Iraq. That led the way to Al Qaeda gains, ISIL, and a flood of expatriots who are no longer their to build their own country.

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