Steve Breen for March 21, 2010

  1. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 14 years ago

    If people believe the propaganda then yes.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    By no means the best they could have done if the Republicans had cooperated instead of publicly being the real jackasses, but after over 100 years of trying, to get ANYTHING accomplished, from Teddy Roosevelt at least, it is a start.

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    behuey57  about 14 years ago

    The gops biggest threat? elections? How about doing things for AMERICANS, not corporations. How about doing what is right, not what is safe.

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that, after this last year, anyone, even a conservative, could picture the DEMS as being organized and in lock step.

    The bill may be a mess, it may hurt then in November, but it is (especially after 8 years of Cheney/Bush) good to see someone do the right thing because it is the right thing.

    10 - 15 years from now it will be like civil rights and medicare, something that helped the country, and that the GOP will be saying that they were alway in favor of.

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    CHURCH - You say that like it was a bad thing.

    Actually, to use a phrase I am happy to say I haven’t heard for years, “Never Going To Happen G.I.!”

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    halfabug  about 14 years ago

    and how were the dems bought off?

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  7. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 14 years ago

    We’ll see what happens when people see what is REALLY in this bill, and not just what FoxNews says is in the bill.

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    parkersinthehouse  about 14 years ago

    hey where’s copperdomebodhi??

    by the way - behuey is our 600th poster!

    you win millyuns and millyuns o’ dollars

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 14 years ago

    The right has been saying “We’re going communist” for the last fifty years… Nobody sane believes it anymore.

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    comYics  about 14 years ago

    Democrats and Republicans, hilarious.

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