Robert Ariail for August 04, 2014

  1. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 10 years ago


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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Folks don’t recognize pot and kettle, and Americans need to lose the impression that we and our “friends” are all “Mr. Clean”.

    Kiev has its share of animals as well. Israel’s attacks on an imprisoned population is simply war crime, while the insanity of Hamas’ leaders is just the flip side, and both kettle and pot need to be done away with and replaced with new models, willing to protect, not destroy that fragile thing called, “life”. (Noan Chomsky- a Jew- made excellent points on this over the weekend, check out “Truthout” for the article. BTW: also just caught a discussion on Jon Voight’s idiotic postion, and Whoopi Goldberg responded on the issue with the actual intelligence that America needs to recognize reality and stop just “picking sides”, and instead find resolve.)

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago


    I just found, and read the articles by Chomsky, Voight, and Goldberg to which you referred. It’s getting tough for me to sort out all the hatreds and under-lying agendas in the mid-east. I have, as you know, made comments of understanding the Israeli position, based on Jewish sufferings during the 20th century. And, I feel that despite all that, Truman should not have gone back on a promise FDR made to the Arabs in 1945, that the U.S. would not support the UN resolution giving Palestine to the Jewish people. (The British, under Balfour in 1915, made that promise; the U.S. inherited the problem) U.S. interests, and lives have paid dearly ever since. (Not that the Arabs would have been much friendlier, but perhaps not as bad)

    However, after supporting Israel for 70 or so years, we are in a very slippery position (much of our own making). Despite Israeli excesses, it seems EVERYONE in the mid-east wants to liquidate the Israelis, borne of racial and religious hatreds. Another poster on GC a day or so ago mentioned that why doesn’t Hamas and the Palestinians try non-violent protest, in the manner of Gandhi and MLK? If the issue really is about the Israelis taking land that is not theirs, then why doesn’t Iran, Syria and other nations stage a quarantine, a boycott, and push the U.S. to join, toward a lasting, peaceful settlement? All I hear and see is violent attacks, and pledges to wipe Israel off the map!

    What can the U.S. do now? I fear that much pressure from interested parties within the U.S. keeps up our military support of Israel, and Obama, and Bush before him, could not start cutting back support. I am not Jewish (Catholic). But the worst thing that could happen to the world now would be to witness another genocide. It would show how helpless we all are.

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  4. Missing large
    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    putin will give the kitty for doing good

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    ^^MangyMoose: Folks forget that Balfour, and later Peel Commission, BOTH state that both Jews AND Arabs, would receive “homelands” (not nation states btw), and Palestine would be divided between them. The Peel “map” actually was the better of the two, Arabs got a little more land, but a lot of it was in the Negev, and of little value, even today (where Israel now has its nuclear program based, for that reason).

    It grows tiresome with all the folks who do NOT know the real history constantly claiming the Jews were promised a nation they could call “Israel.” It’s also tiresome that folks overlook the terrorist acts of the Zionists (violent and radical ones) who murdered British soldiers, and women and children, and basically taught the techniques of terror to later generations, Arab and Jew, and well Viet Cong as well!! (Bike bombs in particular, and booby trapped bodies.)

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  6. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   almost 10 years ago

    It always distresses me when my liberal friends defend terrorism. We should know better.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    ^Is the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon for two decades worth mentioning relative to how they’ve left their neighbors to their own desires?

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