Robert Ariail for July 22, 2014

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    Cinci Steve  almost 10 years ago

    “Sorry, the limited time offer has expired. We have too many of our own poor, unemployed and needy citizens”.

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    Big agro and meat processing plants are notorious for hiring undocumented workers, but are too often protected by the state and federal politicians they help elect to office. An interesting story was circulating over the last couple of months.**One of the tobacco farmers using child labor described in the link is a state senator for North Carolina who, while talking to a camera, spoke of how good and kind he and his wife were to the children; but when the children spoke, it sounded more like hostile indentured servitude.*The children running to the arms of border control after fleeing Honduras, Guatemala, and other nations in conflict are fleeing tattoos that gangs inflict on them. These tattoos are ‘brands’ that identify that boy or girl as property of one gang or another. Without the tattoo, the child is at risk of being murdered by ALL the gangs, with the tattoo, they are only at risk if they are in the wrong gang’s territory. Boys are turned into drug runners, spies, and as they age, soldiers for the gangs. Girls become sex slaves as young as nine years old.These are the ‘illegals’ at whom good Christian Americans are yelling and accusing of criminal behavior.Jesus said, in Red letters of my Bible, “Suffer the little children to come unto me…”Dorothy Law Nolte wrote, “Children Learn What They Live…”The Statue of Liberty states what you see in the cartoon.We have a chance to help these children become the kind of adult who could return to their home country to help fight the cancer of violence and corruption that drove them to flee.What we are doing is teaching them to hate “US”, the people of the United States, so that when they return to the war zones of their neighborhoods, they grow up hating the hypocrites to the north who speak of freedom, liberty, compassion, and the love of God but who spit on them, yelled vulgarities at them, and told them they weren’t wanted.If you had been treated like that as a child, what kind of person would you be today?Respectfully,C.

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    Mneedle  almost 10 years ago

    The time has come to recognize that we have limited resources. This policy is a slap in the face to all of the people who have been trying to come to America LEGALLY. The immigration laws need to be followed now. Then the laws need to be changed to advantage the people who will follow the law and contribute to the society rather than draw off of the society as a whole.

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    Dave Ferro  almost 10 years ago

    It’s not a mixed message. Those who LEGALLY enter the US should be welcome, but if they sneak over the boarder ILLEGALLY, they should be SENT HOME…

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    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    give me those who want freebies [quote update] dear neo I talked to a friend who said it gave her writer cramp filling out all those forms

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    SClark55 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Hey, Idea! What about changing the law so more can come in legally? (as opposed to letting them stay after ILLEGALLY entering) Then we’ll be maintaining the rule of law and everything!Oh Wait – the majority won’t let that pass.ok, nevermind, let them break the law. Who cares about the rule of law anyway?

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    Sharkie, I made no accusation, just an observation. Children were verbally abused and aid workers were physically abused by protestors who could have made their message just as clear without terrifying children. Like you, I would also like the laws or our land to be enforced, especially laws that protect water and the health of citizens. I agree with you that those who “knowingly break our laws to come into this nation” should be arrested and deported just as I believe those American citizens who knowingly hire undocumented workers should be arrested and fined so heavily that the cost far exceeds the “cost of doing business”.But children brought to the US border by smugglers paid by the children’s parents cannot be held responsible the way we would an ‘adult’ of 14 to 40 years of age. As Marten’s says, there is a difference between immigrant and refugee.Also, my life would be very empty if not for the many compassionate conservatives and libertarians in my circle of friends. There are evil, racist, and classist liberals as well as conservatives. We do not share the same opinions or views on many things, but we discuss them respectfully and when necessary, agree to disagree. Like a Saints fan like me sharing a table with a Falcons, Panthers, and/or Buccaneer fan. At some point we set aside the jerseys and remember we are Americans, and neighbors.I would not deliberately lie to you.Sincerely,C.

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    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    A refugee is a kind of immigrant. In any case I would make a distinction between those who follow the law and those who abuse its blind spots.

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    echoraven  almost 10 years ago

    After nearly 6 years of Obama’s war on prosperity, those golden doors aren’t so golden anymore.

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    William Bednar Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Yeah, ever since the “Golden” door was replaced with an ordinary wooden one, things just have not been the same.

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