ViewsLatinAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for February 16, 2010

  1. Think
    tpenna  about 14 years ago

    Five former Secretaries of State (Kissinger, Baker, Powell, Albright, & Christopher) (three Republicans & two Democrats, for those keeping score) unanimously and forcefully agreed that Guantanamo Bay’s detention center must be closed in order for the U.S. to regain international legitimacy on questions of human rights and the rule of law.

    None of Dick Cheney’s fanciful arguments before overly-friendly or weak-kneed interviewers amount to anything in light of such strident bipartisan unanimity that Gitmo has to be closed.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    We have plenty of places to contain and hold trials, legally and within cost target. The problem is that so many were ready to jump on the Looney Tune Trolley with Cheney/Loo and those putting a blowtorch to not just the Constitution, but international law, and the Geneva Conventions that we signed, several times.

    Just noting the list of folks, from the beginning, from all “political” sides, who said Gitmo was a “no-no” should have impressed somebody, but not within the Cheney / Bush cabal.

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