Dana Summers for July 11, 2014

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    For Pete’s sake, name me ONE pol who ISN’T interested in photo-ops!

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    There IS a difference between “photo ops”, like those ALL politicians search out, and jumping into a political circus JUST for a photo op, when your people are already keeping you better adivsed on what is happening, without the impact of the “media tour” on the locals. NOT having a POTUS drop in on the ground, yes, like Katrina, is better reality than the mob that goes wherever the POTUS goes, and interrupts work on the ground. It WAS for instance better for “W”, NOT to show up with his entourage when work was being done.

    RE: Katrina, the dismal was when SEABEES in Biloxi were helping clean up after Katrina, and were sorely needed there, but Bush sent them all away to sit on their butts in Kuwait with nothing to do! These folks were not only helping their neighbors, but their own families, and were pulled off the job for a “photo op” of another sort in support of "W"s little war.

    So folks, “W” staying away was a good thing, just like Obama NOT contributing to MORE controversy on the border where a gang of xenophobic nut cases are running around, is also a good thing.

    Which on the border issue, I keep hearing in the backround of the debate the words of Ronald Reagan: “Tear down that wall!” What we can use is a BRIDGE with lanes passing in BOTH directions for workers, and skilled people especialy. For those fleeing danger and oppression in right wing, not just left wing, dictatorships or near dictatorships, maybe our “defense” posture should include the helpless wh flee?

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  3. Missing large
    warjoski Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Obama does seem to enjoy playing the celebrity too much. I don’t fault him for photo-ops. I do fault him for, at times, making it too high a priority (Letterman over Netenyahu for example). I also find it just laughable that the party that preaches a crusade against the 1% is lead by a man who spends quite a bit of time partying with Beyonce and Hollywood royalty.

    On the other hand, I don’t believe a lot of this is really his doing. The media is so very much in love with him (or so very much in hate with him), it stalks him with a fervor reserved for Princess Di. Anyone who gets that much coverage is eventually going to receive backlash. Sad but true.

    At the end of the day though, who really cares? This is window dressing. There’s enough to fault Obama on. Pick a real issue.
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  4. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  almost 10 years ago

    Make up your mind cons. If he signs an executive order for the border he’s an out of control tyrant. If he asks for Congress to help him with this situation, he’s a do nothing president. Which one do you want?

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  5. 200
    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Oh, Tom — you want him to follow the law by not following the law. You want him to do what you want instead of what the law requires.

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  6. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    President Obama doesn’t do photo ops visiting veterans…

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