Jim Morin for July 13, 2014

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    Guest workers: OK. Illegal entrants: NO.

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    ECAsh  almost 10 years ago

    Dear Mange,you want the job? how about your kids? grand kids??Farms used to hire Many workers every year, then the BANKS took them away and sold them to CORPS. Farm goods are PAID for before they are planted, then In comes the heavy machinery..and its ALL done in a week, 1000 sq miles is done in a week. So, tell me where those illegals are.We GROW 10 times more then before the corps..80% of grains and corn are EXPORTED..if there is BAD weather, WE PAY MORE?? Exporters dont. Look up Food as a weapon..you might like it.

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    Kip W  almost 10 years ago

    I picked cucumbers a couple of summers. Miserable work it was, too, and it left my hands green.

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    I Quit  almost 10 years ago

    The problem with this strip is a basic misunderstanding of reality. In classical evolution theory every niche will be filled. This isn’t social evolution, it’s observable day-to-day reality. If we export the illegals, then other groups will simply step in to pick up the slack. They will demand, and get, better wages because the farmer will then be competing against unemployment and welfare. But farm workers aren’t suddenly going to disappear if we deport every single one of the 11 million illegals in the country.

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    ConserveGov  almost 10 years ago

    The illegal alien gangbangers infesting our cities aren’t gonna pick fruit.

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    ConserveGov  almost 10 years ago

    ^^^ Hey SharunBoy Before you start throwing out your favorite race card, notice I didn’t say anything about race. Not Black, Brown, Asian or White.Go visit ANY major city in the Western US like Phoenix, LA, Albuquerque, San Diego, Las Vegas etc. and tell me they don’t have a problem with illegal alien gangbangers.Maybe talk to the police there and then get back to us when you become an informed person.

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    lonecat  almost 10 years ago

    Check out the New England Small Farm Institute for a different view of farming:


    About NESFINew England Small Farm Institute (NESFI) is a land-based, non-profit organization. It was founded in 1978 by a local citizens’ action group—Women in Agriculture, Food Policy and Land Use Reform—to encourage more sustainable regional agriculture, Our mission is to promote small farm development by providing information and training for aspiring, beginning and transitioning farmers. We maintain an extensive resource collection; produce publications; develop and offer innovative, farmer-guided programs; and advocate for policies that encourage sustainable small-scale agriculture. We seek collaborative program-delivery partnerships with service providers—associates, on-farm mentors, organizations and agencies—throughout the Northeast and nationwide. We are located in Belchertown, MA, on Lampson Brook Farmstead, a diverse and beautiful 416-acre property that once served as the Belchertown State School Farm. As a land-based organization, we are offered the challenge of “walking our talk”—implementing the alternative tenure options and environmental stewardship practices that we advocate to others. The Farmstead hosts a number of independent small farm businesses and is the site of a developing on-farm training program and business incubator. Visitors are welcome. Our cultural heritage interpretive program celebrates the site’s 250-year farming history and its importance as a National Historic Register working agricultural landscape and state-designated “Special Place of Environmental Significance.” Our mission is to promote small farm development by providing information and training for aspiring, beginning and transitioning farmers. We maintain an extensive resource collection; produce publications; develop and offer innovative, farmer-guided programs; and advocate for policies that encourage sustainable small-scale agriculture. We seek collaborative program-delivery partnerships with service providers-associates, on-farm mentors, organizations and agencies-throughout the Northeast and nationwide.

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    lonecat  almost 10 years ago

    Annie Di Franco singing Woody Guthrie’s “Deportees”;


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    SClark55 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    If it’s going to be like Morin is suggesting here, why don’t we simply change the laws? Why not increase our quotas for countries south of our border to several times higher than they are?.This is to say, why let them (or encourage them to) break the law; why not just CHANGE the law?.And the REASON is, that will not be the will of the majority; the change in law won’t pass. And I think I learned something when I was in school – “majority rules” – not a bad idea..So, again, why break the law? Why allow it to be broken? Why despise conservatives for calling illegals illegals? What do we teach our children about OBEYING THE LAW?.One of the worst things about this is that a whole generation is growing up seeing millions of adults disregarding the rule of law – all to garner more Democrat voters..Some young person, please hold onto this for 50 years – and see if I’m wrong.

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    ConserveGov  almost 10 years ago

    SharunBoy SAID:“merely the display of that racial bigotry that is today’s hallmark of being a Republican”Enough said.

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