On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for August 10, 2015

  1. Beefmower20140720small
    wes tnt  almost 9 years ago

    since when will a dog refuse fruits & veggies? as long as it’s coming from its owner, it’s appreciated. a chunk of carrot, a kale stalk, a chunk of apple, it’s all good to ours. it’s all about the context……..

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    kattbailey  almost 9 years ago

    Mine draws the line at leafy stuff0 lettuce, kale, cabbage, etc, mushrooms, and licking up orange juice. Red pepper, carrots, broccoli, and just about everything else on the “dog safe” list is fine with her. I have occasionally looked at her and asked “you do know I’m the vegetarian in the house by now, right? He’s the guy with the meat” but she gobbles up anything that wasn’t listed above or I don’t order her away from (the dropped onion or garlic piece, say)

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