Joel Pett for February 08, 2010

  1. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    The point of the ad was that his mother had a choice and she choose to have him, so, to me, the ad is about having a choice: She had a choice, made her decision, and therefore every woman should have a choice.

    I think the line about “Abort Gays” is so true that if it could be done the Far Right and GOP would be pushing for it right now.

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    bradwilliams  over 14 years ago

    Scott, go take a nap.

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    I would actually argue that if a father does not want to bring a child into the world (ie., wants the abortion), but the mother wants to have the child, then the father ought to have the right to be absolved of child support duties. If, on the other hand, the father wants to keep the child and the mother wants to abort, that should still be her right.

    Having said that, I always wonder about Scott’s jaded view of marriage. I did experience a similar situation – divorced by my first wife even though I was faithful in every way. Fortunately, it was in a state without alimony, so all I paid was child support. I’ve been married to my second wife for nearly 20 years and still happy.

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  4. Lorax
    iamthelorax  over 14 years ago

    Alimony is a joke. It’s based on the old mentality that a woman lives at home, doesn’t have a job and needs her ex to pay her expenses. Totally out-dated and irrelevant for most people these days.

    Depends on where you are I guess, but in Quebec there’s been a good shift towards respecting men’s rights to raise their kids and move on from their ex, even if she is a gold-digger.

    I remember one of my aunts totally screwed her ex so bad with lawsuits, he was only allowed to see them every second weekend. On top of that, he had to pay her so much he actually stopped working and went on welfare because it allowed him to have more money than having a job and paying her ridiculous amounts of alimony. Then she had the nerve to move across the country with the kids. Most of the family stopped talking to her for years out of disgust.

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    riley05  over 14 years ago

    When reading Scott’s posts, keep in mind his deep-rooted hatred of women, meaning one should take his diatribes against them with a grain of salt.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Alimony = the screw you get for the one you got? BTW- many “Christian” faiths of he evangelical type DO insist the wife is merely the husband’s possession- have heard it expressed many times- so scooter’s second paragraph is trashed.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    I’m so glad the fourth estate can handle these issues so well; makes me want to give the government even more power…

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    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Like the power to stop gays from getting married, for instance?

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    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Lord almighty, what state do you all live in? It doesn’t resemble mine – and I mean “state of marriage” here. As it happens, my father was a deadbeat dad (he didn’t want to pay when it was inconvenient, but he sure got his dozen beers every single night), and the ability to garnishee his wages made a difference as to whether we ate or not. My mother raised their five kids pretty much single-handed. Contrary to what you loonies seem to think, women typically have to take care of the children regardless of what the man chooses to do – more often than not the man divorces the wife and dumps the kids, and gets child support dictated by a MALE judge, who may well have his own axe to grind against an ex-wife. (And yes, I’ve seen it happen.) Indeed, the evidence shows quite clearly that even in a marriage where both spouses work, women still do the majority of the housework and child care. So get over yourselves. There are exceptions the other way, but they are exceptions. Mostly women are still in charge of the kids.

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    Maybe it would be a good idea to make getting married as difficult as getting divorced. At least it would give the people who want to get married time to think about what that means.

    Of course it would probably mean people would have sex outside of marriage – but we can trust people not to do that, I mean no one does that now do they?

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  11. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Yeah nobody watches the super bowl for the game. Just the ads that are gonna air there.

    Hence the tiny T.V. next to the CBS sign.

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  12. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    <=====We gotta declare war on these homos! They hate us for our freedom!

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Is Scooter paying “palimony” to his dog????

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