Clay Bennett for February 03, 2010

  1. 96x96tft
    tft  about 14 years ago

    Or, make sure our military is comprised of the best and brightest.

    ANandy, you’re a moron.

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  2. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  about 14 years ago

    Yeah, the search for justice has always really been just pandering for votes – civil rights, women’s rights – gosh, what weirdos will they try to be fair to next?

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  3. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  about 14 years ago

    God has not posted on this list, but you have, and you should take responsibility for what you say. We have the choice to make up our own minds or to hand our minds over to some other authority. In this instance, there are Christians who do not believe that homosexual behavior is vile, sinful, and will lead to hell. The Bible does not interpret itself. You have chosen one particular interpretation rather than another. That’s your choice. You can believe what you like, but your beliefs should not interfere with anyone’s freedom.

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    IRIS - The Bible also says that God ordered that his followers kill anyone who did observe the Sabbath – I hope you carried out his command last Saturday, because when he put out his command the Sabbath was on a Saturday.

    For all those who have been observing it on a Sunday, well they can explain it to God, he seems to be the understanding kind.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    I”m sorry, but you can’t get more degenerate than the centuries of the inquisition, and the failure of “real men” to stand against it as soon as it began.

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    comsymp  about 14 years ago

    ANandy states, “In other words, pander to the homosexual vote.”

    No. In other words, live up to the principles of the Constitution and treat all of citizens equally.

    IrishEddieOHara spews, “Homosexual behavior is vile, sinful, and will lead all who participate in it to hell forever.”

    Well, I’d rather be in hell if heaven is full of bigots like you.

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  7. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  about 14 years ago

    “Why is it that a military uniform makes a degenerate some how a dignitary??”

    I’m not really sold on the fact that a military uniform somehow makes anyone a dignitary. It is simply indicative of a high-risk profession which (if done correctly) benefits society and thus is honorable to the individual; I place firefighters and policemen in a similar category.

    As for homosexuality, that is something between people and God. Yes, the Old Testament considers it sinful - yet with a punishment no different than for adultery. Yet the commandments wer issued at the ancient Israelites - today many of them (especially the ones about cleanliness, but they are also tied to the Israelites’ status as a chosen people) are disregarded pretty frivolously.

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  8. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  about 14 years ago

    “I believe Vietnam used women to help them in the Vietnam war.”

    Vietnam? Dude, women and children have been helping in wars since… well, forever, probably, doing anything from cooking to working in the factories to acting as guides or interpreters.

    Btw, #2 may be somewhat closer to the truth (though to a degree both apply), but it does not mean #1 doesn’t happen, or it is justified. Yeah, that’s war - and that doesn’t make it right.

    The US is fighting a poorly defined “enemy”* on the other end of the world, in a country that might actually share more values and beliefs with your enemies than yourself. Despite the goodwill they may feel, do you think it is likely that they leave their homes and families, just so the US army has an easier time?

    terrorists, guerillas, insurgents - call them how you will, it is even possible they are several factions with different leadership or ideas.
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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Whenever a nation, or village, is invaded by outsiders, history has shown those protecting their own land will fight bravely, men, women, children, gay or straight- it happened before the bible was written, and in areas since that had no ties to biblical mythology- which made nearly everything a sin punishable by death.

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    Magnaut  about 14 years ago

    I’m not in the military so I’m actually not qualified to have an opinion………….I think the troops and their leaders should decide…not the clowns we’ve elected

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  11. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  about 14 years ago

    Have any of you posters ever served in the armed forces. In over a quarter century the main causes of trouble makers I had to deal with were, drunks (not alcohollics), spouse and family abusers, theives and fanatic crack pots. There was one nasty affair and that fellow was a reserveist participatting wirh the REFORGER exercises.

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    IRISH – In that Bible you mention God also orders his followers to not only attack and kill other tribes, men, women, children, but also tells them that, when they find that a woman is pregnat they are to tear open her belly, and thrown her unborn on the ground!

    There are many Gods in the Bible because it was written by many, many people, so if you pick the parts of the Bible you want to follow are you following the Bible, or just creating your own religion?

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  13. Courage2
    CourageCD  about 14 years ago

    Good point Ken. And would one not be committing the sin of PRIDE to say that one’s interpretation of the Bible is the definitive word of God and everybody should live by it? Personally I would rather error on the side of loving my neighbor as long as they treat others humanely.

    But maybe I am just a lawn chair theologian?

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  14. Courage2
    CourageCD  about 14 years ago

    Yes, but may the better person be the one to say “enough” and treat others with respect. This is much better than pointing fingers at each other and saying, “So and So started it!” We CAN be better than our politicians.

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    comsymp  about 14 years ago

    IrishEddie- Any law that discriminates against homosexuals, is based (as you accurately point out) on religious law. Many religious laws have been incorporated into secular law because we can all agree on their justification. However, unlike theft or murder (which are prohibited by both religious and secular law), homosexuality is not universally accepted as being a criminal, or even an immoral act.

    If the objections to homosexuality is based on religious tenets, that’s fine for you, but it’s a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. The establishment clause of the first amendment prohibits government from making laws ‘respecting an establishment of religion’. ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ was established by Congress, and most definitely imposes standards set forth by biblical law. That would qualify as ‘an establishment of religion’ and therefore run contrary to the most basic constitutional principles.

    It’s not just wrong to discriminate against gays and lesbians, it’s illegal… or, at least it should be.

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