The stated reason for the rewrite is because the book is banned in high schools and the guy wants to get it back into the schools and thinks removing the word will allow it back in.
I suppose it might, but at too high a cost. Leave the word in and let the kids read it. Then they could talk about it and, I don’t know, maybe learn something.
Pull your head out of your a** ANandy. You were given two very good reasons that would have been available for you to see if your head were properly placed while trolling.
Clinton was attempting to make the military accept gay soldiers. That he couldn’t, and fell short, was due to anti-gay culture.
To claim it was signed into law by a liberal is to mis-characterize what really happened. Yeah, he signed it into law, as a first step to allowing gays in the military.
Now, fortunately, even the top brass agree that gays can, and should, serve, much to the chagrin of homophobes everywhere (churchillwasright).
Ramirez is friends with Marty Peretz?