Lisa Benson for June 26, 2014

  1. Missing large
    vwdualnomand  almost 10 years ago

    wasn’t the contraction due to the harsh horrible winter? not many of us will be consuming anything if it’s -20, and 3 feet of snow, weeks on end.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Obviously the do nothing Congress didn’t have anything to do with it.

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    Kip W  almost 10 years ago

    Obama should have cleared the course by now. All he has to do is take a shot, drag Congress, take a shot, drag Congress, find that Congress has undone the last two shots, go back, take a shot, answer critics who say he’s not doing enough, take a shot…

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  4. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    @Jeff H – Well Said.

    Jimmy Carter allowed our economy to tank with poor fiscal policies and an aching desire to turn everything Green but Reagan changed the policies and in 2 years (by 1982) the economy was humming along strong.

    Even if you want to heap all of the economic downturn on Bush you still have to blame Obama for keeping it going.

    The difference between Obama and Reagan? Reagan understood that people will work, spend, hire and invest when they feel confident that they will be allowed to keep the fruits of their own labors.

    Obama spends his time telling the unsuccessful that it’s not their fault and that the only hope they have of enjoying success is by voting for him so he will steal from those producers and hand it out to them. Not only does he disinsent the producers by threatening to steal from them but he takes the insentive away from the potential workers as well because they know they can just sit on their couch and wait for their gubermint check to show up.

    Obama has made 1 poor choice after another and yet the apologists continue to tell us we should blame Bush and not Obama’s failed policies for why we continue to languish in a downturned economy 6 years later.

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    MaryWorth Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Did Wall Street steal the water… again?

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    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    Didn’t the Obama Administration tell us that the economy would be humming along by now if we would pass their stimulus bill?

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  7. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 10 years ago

    Just for sake of argument:

    Two things. First: years ago while I was still in school, a number of my contemporaries went to Wyoming to work on oil rigs. They came back a few months later. Most of them still had fingers. When I asked why they left such well-paying jobs, I was told that the wells were capped, because supply was too great and prices would come down. Do you think that this won’t happen when/if we drill/baby/drill?

    Second: My brother-in-law has been in the oil business since he was a teenager, and is about to retire from his fourth career in oil. His last gig was with a firm that is owned by Scandanavians who were convinced that deserted oil rigs still had oil to produce. They were right; he helped them make big money with the infrastructure THAT ALREADY EXISTED and had been abandoned. We have the supply without using another shovel. We just don’t have the will. Why is that? Shall we follow the money?

    If I can wrap my pea-sized brain around that, surely you can. True?

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