Robert Ariail for June 02, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Just a note, 80% of that bureaucracy (being conservative about it) had grown before Obama took office. Add in what’s added weekly by Republicans in the House majority, and the weeds are highly active.

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    dzw3030  almost 10 years ago

    Until it’s possible to fire incompetent or dishonest bureaucrats, nothing will change in the VA or any other abusive agency.

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    Mneedle  almost 10 years ago

    It doesn’t require an act of congress. This president does not use congress for much.

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  4. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    The U.S. is not the only nation encumbered with a deep-rooted bureaucracy. Even the Nazis had to bow to them at times. France, during their tumultuous 1930’s, with governments changing by the week! Presidents and ministers resigning by the day. The Bureaucracy kept the country running. Even Lenin, Stalin and Kruschevdeferred to them at times. When governments fail, are overthrown or simply screw up, it is, for good or ill, the bureaucracy than maintains a degree of stability until things get sorted out.

    There are four things in life of which one can be sure: Death, taxes, the waitress will always stick her smiling face in yours to ask “How is everything sir?” just as you’ve put some food in your mouth, and BUREAUCRACIES!

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  5. 090313obey
    OLDERANDFOOLISH1  almost 10 years ago

    Obama has been part of the progressive feeding of that plant which now costs the GDP about $2 Trillion a year in regulatory costs. Add the EPA closing coal powered plants by regulations making them uneconomical and we also have electricity prices rising and electric back up decreasing.

    Obama rewarded the left bureaucrats in his first budget and ever since then.Food prices go up as ranchers are driven off ranch land by changing regulations that take their grazing property rights. Often the land is ‘needed’ for ‘mitigation’ of other plans. Example being the 53 ranchers driven from the planned mitigation area for the solar plants that have been planned in Nevada. The government bureaucracy is here to help you out of any assets that you have.All by Obama’s plan, that he was told to implement.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    MIkefive: definite complicity, like $500 toilet seats, or showere built by Halliburton/KBR that Defense is ORDERED in specific budget LAWS from Congress to buy, even if exhorpbitantly priced, or electocuting the troops. The same applies in other agencies across the government. Read somee bills written by current Republican committes, I follow several, and the House Natural Resources Committee under “Doc” Hastings from Washington is micro-managing budgets and thus field procedures, and it’s become ridiculous! Also of note, when all the Republicans, who outnumber Democrats on his committee vote “yes”, and EVERY Democrat votes “NO”, “Doc” forwards the bill on to the Senate proclaiming the committee, and house, have reached a “bipartisan” decision! Many of these bills not only raise costs, but also CUT REVENUES OWED THE TAXPAYER! How is that “fiscaly conservative”??

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