Tom Toles for April 13, 2014

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    Because it’s always good when the government gets into supplying healthcare…..

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    PocketNaomi  about 10 years ago

    ConserveGov: How come European countries spend vastly less per capita on health care than we do, and get dramatically better results?

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  3. Crab hat rear
    Crabbyrino Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I’ll wager ConserveGov is on Medicare. Some Medicare recipients are the ones howling the loudest about AHA. “Don’t touch MY MEDICARE” is the mantra of Tea Party & Rethuglican operatives. Medicare for all isn’t a bad idea.

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  4. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I would like to point out the companies that scam millions from the medical care system are privately run businesses and probably good Republicans. It does frost me that government can’t be better and finding these characters a lot sooner. Medical equipment fraud was big in Florida for years and years before they cracked down. Everyday you read an investigative report in the local paper about a government official/employee who scammed the local government out of a lot of money over several years. Who’s watching the store?

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  5. Horsehead aldohubble 960
    krisjackson01  about 10 years ago

    Answer: they don’t. I’ve lived in Europe. Everyone is covered for everything and they pay half of what Americans pay. Some elective surgery has waiting lists, but you’re always free to pay extra for private treatment. But the Republican idea of people dying all over Europe waiting for necessary surgery is about as true as WMDs in Iraq. It just ain’t so.

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 10 years ago

    “If you need surgery you get it quickly.”*At much lower cost, both to you & whoever is paying the balance of the bill"Only in America, do you have to worry about a another heart attack when you get the bill for heart surgery.

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  7. Missing large
    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    Nope. I’ve paid for my own health insurance for 20+ years and never had a problem until now.

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  8. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    I agree. I personally know 2 MDs, four nurses (1 male) and an anesthesiologist, who over recent years, told me much about what they see going on in the health-care industry. Much of it I have seen first-hand, as many of you probably have.

    Most hospitals used to be run as non-profit organisations, set up by a town or county, under a trusteeship, to serve the local communities. Yes, they often lost money to help the poor, or some who could not get insurance, or those who simply stiffed them. But, private investors saw opportunity here for profits. Everybody needs health care. So, they started buying up all the hospitals and clinics, cut personnel costs and other expenses, changed over to for-profit, and started to make money: LOTS of it! Since science & technology has given us new procedures and machines to help cure/heal us, costs have risen. These new machines & procedures can be very expensive.Insurance Companies do not like paying out too much money (understandable, but only to a degree) but with people living longer, some of whom smoke, and continue to do so, and people with cancer living (?) longer, insurance premiums rise. Dramatically! Pharmaceutical companies want their profits too, and the insurers are called upon to pay. The insurers finally said HOLD IT!, and now, MDs must write out justification to some 19-year old insurance clerk why he prescribes this drug for his patient.

    Some years ago, when I started to pay attention to all the talk about “Health Care Reform”, I was naive enough to think that this meant that the government was going to get the Pharmaceuticals, Insurers, Hospitals and providers into a room, knock a few heads together, force communications & cooperation and try to bring costs & profits down to reasonable levels, making insurance affordable to individuals and companies who still wished to provide it to their employees. Silly me. I did not think that my state governor (MA), then the president was going to simply ram mandatory insurance down our throats, and in both cases, use the IRS to enforce compliance. At such a time with millions out of work, (most of whom, myself included, WANT A JOB!)or very under-employed, a better idea would be for the White House, and the Republican, Democratic and Independent members of Congress, AND the Supreme Court to use all their energies toward putting the United States back in a world leadership role in manufacturing, urban renewal, infrastructure upgrade, mass transportation and space exploration. Stop hiring Russia to put our satellites into orbit! Instead of investors putting their money in overseas ventures, how about moving business back into our cities? I would agree with Congress giving them tax breaks to do that. But, with so much money floating over the District of Columbia, I doubt I’ll ever see that.

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  9. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  about 10 years ago

    Yes, and don’t forget the infamous “Doughnut Hole”(see Medicare Part D) ~~ ;)

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