Steve Kelley for April 09, 2014

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    ARodney  about 10 years ago

    ? I don’t get it. They do have great discretion, and it’s written right into the laws. No one raised a ruckus when Bush changed deadlines on Medicare part D to get it to work better… The IRS properly screened both conservative AND liberal groups that were trying to evade the law… I guess it’s just Obama Derangement Syndrome.

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    1db  about 10 years ago

    They have discretion over how to enforce the laws. They do not have discretion if laws get enforced. There is a difference.

    And, no, the IRS did not treat liberal groups the same as conservative groups. The IRS did not limit the right to political participation and free speech of liberal groups – but they did just that to many conservative groups. The IRS scandal is as bad as Watergate in terms of its seriousness. The obstruction of a real investigation by the White House (through the “Justice” Department) makes me suspicious of them just like Nixon’s did back then. Yes, I was around then and have followed both very closely.

    Does it matter to you that Americans had their political participation limited and interfered with by a government agency with vast enforcement powers? It should, because it could happen to anyone now that the precedent has been set. Does it matter to you that an election could have been interfered with and the results distorted or altered? It should. Does it matter to you that the White House is stonewalling any real investigation? First Obama says it is a scandal, completely unacceptable, and that he’ll get to the bottom of it. Then 8 months later nothing is happening because his “Justice” and Treasury Departments will not do a real and impartial investigation.

    I wonder what would happen if a Republican president did something like this? I wonder if we will ever again have a news media with the intellectual and personal integrity to set aside their personal prejudices and political preferences and do their jobs?

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    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Don’t leave out bigotry and racism. Holder’s DoJ is chock-a-block with them!

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    nate9279  about 10 years ago

    OMG!!!!!! Can Kelley ever do a strip that isn’t about bashing Obama and Obamacare??? Basta!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    slgu  about 10 years ago

    Don’t forget there’s not a smidgen of corruption at the Justice Department. There’s not a smidgen of competence in the White House either.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Not like under Bush, when we enforced all the laws. As long as the defendants weren’t our rich friends. But we enforced all the laws except the ones against torture. Is there a law against lying so you can declare war? Or lying about what happened to Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch? Or … well, anyway, Bush was great. We need another president like him, so we can kill 4,000 more of our kids for no reason.

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    aldo962  about 10 years ago

    ARodney putdown the Kool-ade you’ve had enough

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    cphite  about 10 years ago

    They have discretion over HOW they enforce the laws; not WHETHER OR NOT they enforce the laws. Far too often, this administration has decided to simply ignore laws that it doesn’t like, or to pick and choose specific parts of laws to enforce – and that goes beyond any “discretion” they have.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Well, it’s fun to pretend.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I didn’t have health insurance until the ACA gave me a bronze plan for $5.98 a month. Now my health care provider has sent me a test for colon cancer. Thanks, Mr. President, for concentrating on the ACA!

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