Lisa Benson for April 08, 2014

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    Don Winchester Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Irony is is that Obama held the same views 5 years ago…where’s HIS resignation for his “intolerance”?

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    Tim Culberson  about 10 years ago

    Bruce4671 is correct.This was a witch hunt, the LGBT will hunt you down if you don’t agree with them. Every considered their favorite word homo"phobic" it’s not that we fear, it’s that we think it is wrong.

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    SpicyNacho Premium Member about 10 years ago

    He was forced out the same as many have been targeted with harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, and violence for supporting Prop 8.

    Yes he contributed to the cause and lost his job. He was free to speak his mind and contribute to his cause and there were consequences for that. I don’t agree that the consequences are just but they did happen. The problem is that if he were gay and he lost his position for supporting a gay rights cause these same agitators would be outraged.

    But you are happy, a conservative 1%er was punished in some way shape or form. As Bruce4671 stated so well, “All of you are consumed with hate. It makes me so sad”.

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    Quipss  about 10 years ago

    I don’t support financial punishment for speech. However freedom of speech includes freedom of rebuttal.

    The concept that one can say whatever they want without any response is not freedom of speech so much as meaningless words. Rebuttal and the ability to hold argument against is the cornerstone of democracy. Speech that involves one party can just as easily be found in a dictatorship.
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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    PianoGuy24 said, about 10 hours ago“Irony is is that Obama held the same views 5 years ago…where’s HIS resignation for his “intolerance”?”————————————————————————————Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!Of course since it was a fellow liberal stating this opinion (actually up until about 2 years ago) then they just “politely disagree”, but if it’s a conservative then he should lose his job and be black-balled.Not just ironic, extremely hypocritical.

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    Catherine Spencer-Mills Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Let reality intrude …. When you work for a company, you monitor your speech as directed. There is no free speech on the job. Period. Getting fired is usually the result of running your mouth off. And no, your speech inhibition does not end when you leave the office for the day when you are in the position of speaking for the company as a CEO does.

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    cjsm said, about 3 hours ago“Let reality intrude …. When you work for a company, you monitor your speech as directed. There is no free speech on the job. -—————————————————————————————Hey cj, if you are a Christian, or Muslim or Jew actually, you can’t be say that you believe marriage is between a man and a woman?Wow, you liberals are gonna have to start firing a WHOLE LOTTA people from their jobs!YOUR reality needs to be checked!

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    Jason Allen  about 10 years ago

    “If you like your plan you can keep your plan.”And if your insurance company decides to cancel your plan even though it’s exempt from the new rules, it’s entirely Obama’s fault.

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    Jason Allen  about 10 years ago

    “You know perfectly well the liberal definition of homophobe is anyone who says anything a homo doesn’t like, up to and including turning down their unwelcome sexual advances.”No, homophobe is a person like my neighbor, who left a note in my mailbox informing me gays shouldn’t be allowed to get married because they are incapable of feeling “real” love and are doomed to burn in hell.

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    Jason Allen  about 10 years ago

    “Christians should be allowed to force their beliefs on gays in order to be fair. Trouble with that is, most Christians won’t bother to force their beliefs on gays because they realize it would be about the same outcome as teaching a pig to sing.”Hmmm… you must have heard our plan to go each and every heterosexual household and force them to gay marry at gun point.Ending discrimination against gays isn’t “forcing a lifestyle” on you. You aren’t being forced to engage in gay sex or even watch. Many Christians argue that gays shouldn’t be allowed to marry because their religious beliefs tell them it’s wrong. That is forcing their religion onto someone else. When someone demands you get gay married, then your argument will be something other than a giant steaming pile of crap.

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    nate9279  about 10 years ago

    Oh please, Lisa. Free speech doesn’t mean you get to be against gay rights and still be CEO of a progressive company that doesn’t want to project that image. Although I know Republicans of your ilk would be overjoyed if every CEO were a homophobic bigot. Sorry. You lose.

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    stringcatcher  about 10 years ago

    finally lisa draws a cartoon that’s not racist.

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    NoCons  about 10 years ago

    Lisa, do any of your cartoons make any sense at all?

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