Lisa Benson for April 03, 2014

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    Smooner3  about 10 years ago

    Let’s wait till the facts are out to see if that is really a Bulls-eye. My guess is not even close

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    solarrhino  about 10 years ago

    If you force, say, 5 million insurance-buyers (like me) out of their existing insurance, it’s hardly surprising if they sign-up with the only option left to them. So the widely reported 7+ million sign-ups is irrelevant. The only important considerations left are 1) how many previously uninsured have signed up, and 2) whether all this money and disruption was worthwhile.

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    Mark Tretter  about 10 years ago

    There were so many extensions that he was standing INSIDE the barrel in order to hit the mark!

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  4. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    Actually, I hope he keeps crowing and bragging about the brilliancy of the plan. It will make it that much easier for Republicans to retake the Senate and then we can bring a stop to all of his idiocy.

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  about 10 years ago

    The latest opinion polls show popularity increasing and favorable now greater than unfavorable. This was expected to happen as the system wades through the barrage of lies, distortions, and ideological caterwauling.

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    Big Government controlling your healthcare—Bullseye!

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  7. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    @Gysy8 – Yes, I’ve seen those polls too. But I have to wonder if they are asking the right questions or asking them at the right time.

    If rates skyrocket – As I expect they will if they can’t get the young people to sign on. I don’t think people will be happy when we either have to: 1) See them drop back out, or 2) Every taxpayer has to pay an extra $5k to make the subsidies work so these people can have their free healthcare.

    This is another Tax and Redistribute scheme. Originally they thought they could foist the cost of the elderly onto the millenials. But the millenials aren’t stupid and refusing to sign on so Obama will tax us all more to pay for the gimmees he’s handing out – Or worse yet borrow the money and force are kids (who can’t vote) to pay for his foolishness.

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    NoCons  about 10 years ago

    I’ve kept my plan, my costs are lower, and I’ve kept my doctor. BULLSEYE!

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    NoCons  about 10 years ago

    It’s cute how the Cons have nothing but criticism and complaints. No workable plan of their own. Nothing but Hate.

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    dzw3030  about 10 years ago

    The ACA established acceptable coverage requirements. Plans that did not meet requirements were deemed illegal. People are forced to buy what the Feds require. That is NOT a personal choice.

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  11. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    @NoCons – Let the free market reign. Stop forcing hospitals to take in those who can’t pay and stop using Medicare to transfer the costs of caring for the elderly on those of us who are covered.

    If you are afraid the sick will be dying in the streets then we should create government funded hospitals for those who can’t afford insurance (assuming you can get people to agree to the cost).

    We Conservatives believe in self reliance, living within our means, discipline and self sacrifice for our families. It seems you and your Lib friends believe in Looting the Industrious to coddle the indolent.

    It isn’t hate that motivates us but a sense of moral outrage at a burgeoning group of voters who think they are entitled to live comfortably at someone else’s expense.

    I understand why Obama’s message resonates with many: He tells them it’s not their fault that they aren’t successful, He tells them they would be better off if that other guy would just pay his fair share. He tells them he’s going to make things fairer for them. What he creates is a group of spineless, self indulgent government dependents that the rest of us have to support.

    And because he isn’t a sufficiently strong leader that can convince us that we need to endure shared sacrifice – The weasel instead racks up debt that my Children and Grandchildren will have to pay off in the future. Even though they can’t vote now.

    We conservatives offer A MUCH BETTER SOLUTION – A hand up and not a hand out. We expect people to live like responsible adults and in return we offer them liberty and dignity.

    You Liberals offer the hand out that keeps millions in abject poverty and dependence on the nanny state. You expect very little of your subjects other then that they fester in a hopeless helpless state. Wow, You and your kind are ever so noble.

    I drive past government housing every day. I see people sitting on the stoop with Little or No education, Little or no hope of ever getting out of there, and no idea how to take care of themselves. I’ve seen the results of your ideas. They stink.

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    fonzi48  about 10 years ago

    God Bless Lisa Benson, She is spot on.

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  13. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 10 years ago

    The Republicans’ use of Green Eggs and Ham to illustrate the public’s reaction to Obamacare was perfect. They just neglected to read the last few pages, which say:

    You do not like them.SO you say.Try them! Try them!And you may.Try them and you may I say.

    Sam!If you will let me be,I will try them.You will see.

    Say!I like green eggs and ham!I do!! I like them, Sam-I-am!And I would eat them in a boat!And I would eat them with a goat…And I will eat them in the rain.And in the dark. And on a train.And in a car. And in a tree.They are so good so good you see!

    So I will eat them in a box.And I will eat them with a fox.And I will eat them in a house.And I will eat them with a mouse.And I will eat them here and there.Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!

    I do so likegreen eggs and ham!Thank you!Thank you,Sam-I-am

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  14. Marx lennon
    charliekane  about 10 years ago

    It burns, conservative jackwagons, don’t it?And the recurring nightmare:What if the public actually comes around to embrace it?The empty, cynical nihilism of these j-wagons will be exposed.

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  15. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  about 10 years ago

    “……Funny how anyone can visit and see you lying about their numbers which have your precious Prince Barry at 41%…..”.I was referring to the popularity of Obamacare, not Obama.

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    eddodt  about 10 years ago

    the numbers will be revised downward in the near future…which the propaganda ministry will not report.

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  17. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    @Gypsy8 – You are bickering about figures that could actually be lost in the noise. To me it looks like a wash. And you may be right. It may stay that way. Rarely have I found someone getting a freebie from the Government saying – “We should do away with this. It just isn’t right for me to take from someone else under the rule of law”. Even still. I wonder how popular it will be when the plan costs continue to rise and the young and the healthy continue to hold back their support?

    I’m sure anyone who is sick will love this. They get coverage. I wonder how much the people who have to pay for it will love it?

    There is more to this issue then statistics. The people who are ultimately paying for this i.e. taxpayers are the ones who have to like it.

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  18. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    Gypsy8 – You used two Logical fallacies in one post (Congrats I guess). First the Argument from popularity that says other people believe in this so it must be true “every other civilized nataion”. Then you offered a False Dichotomy assuming that if we don’t spend the money on Health care it must go to making war.

    While there are many (not all) civilized countries that have socialized their medical systems; that doesn’t make it the right thing to do. I believe everyone should have free ACCESS to health care like they should have free access to food, cars, homes, etc. But that means they should be able to shop in the market unhindered. I do not agree that they should receive those products for free or highly discounted from the taxpayer because they have shown an inability to provide it for themselves.

    As for where the money would go if we didn’t squander it on gimmees for needy. I can think of many places where that money could be better spent: Infrastructure would be the most pressing (Roads, telecommunications, rail lines, schools, etc.), Research (NASA, CDC, etc.), or just plain old give it back to the people who earned it in the first place (tax cuts).

    To quote a smart lady: The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money.

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  19. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 10 years ago

    Oh and by the way Gypsy8 – My values are: Liberty, Self Reliance, Discipline, Family, and Citizenship.

    Yours seem to include Slavery since you don’t have any problem taking the fruits of another mans labor and handing them out to others as you see fit.

    Thats the problem with all government redistribution schemes. They amount to enslaving the productive. To claim it is OK because it is majority rule does not in anyway lessen the burden on those who are being asked to sacrifice.

    Look – I’m not anti-government. I believe there is a role for a Government that protects the rights of its citizens and to share in creating infrastructure (we shouldn’t all build our own road or create our own firehouse). But that’s as far as it should go. When the government goes from creating shared services to wealth redistribution – That’s a huge red line they have crossed over.

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