Tom Toles for March 31, 2014

  1. Artisinal toaster
    DoctorUmmmNo  about 10 years ago

    It’s easier to be on welfare, than to be working poor these days.

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  2. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    Oh yes, the “job-creators” DO create more jobs; by investing in more overseas ventures.

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    ARodney  about 10 years ago

    It never made any sense to claim that job creators need tax cuts, since jobs are created with pre-tax dollars. If you want to read someone who actually has a track record of being right on the economy, skip the conservatives. They have a result they want (low taxes on the rich) and they look for any economic ideas that will support that, no matter how ridiculous.

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    lonecat  about 10 years ago

    Face it, my friends, Capitalism never has and never will be able to provide decent jobs with decent pay for everyone. That’s not what it’s designed to do. If you want decent jobs with decent pay for everyone, you’ll have to try a different system.

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    oneoldhat  about 10 years ago

    people with low or no skills can not find jobs so the democrat want to raise cost of hiring them [ obumacare + raise min wage] and open border to bring a flood of people with low or no skills to compete with them

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  6. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    The debate over raising the minimum wage is really a symptom of the larger problem. The American worker/wage earner is still feeling the repercussions of shipping jobs overseas; not just in manufacturing, but in customer service, tech support and many other areas of business. This, in addition to increased computerisation and automation has created a huge vacuum of what was once well-paying jobs. Where can the Big-Box-Store clerk, or the Burger & Fries server go to better his situation? It’s a big leap to a degree in engineering or software writing.

    When corporations get in trouble, it is those who do the order-picking, invoicing, packing, shipping, receiving, machining who are expendable, while corporate officers award themselves “retention bonuses”!

    I’ve been looking for a job EVERY day for 25 months now. I know others who have been looking for 2,3 or more years.These are good, professional people who have worked all their adult (& teen) years, but were laid of for reasons not of their making. Their company was bought out. Their department’s work was contracted to some company in India. Or, maybe the CEO decided he needed another bonus, and simply downsized again. WE WANT A JOB. WE WANT TO WORK. But, there are simply not enough decent-paying jobs out there! Many cannot survive on minimum wage. Starting with NAFTA & GATT, back in the Ninties, the “job-creators” began sending the jobs to Asia and Eastern Europe to increase profits. “American workers are too expensive”, they claim. Maybe that’s because we have to pay taxes to support a large military, are required to have insurance of all kinds, support municipal, state and federal governments, fees, surtaxes, educational costs, housing…etc… Our country, our society, functioned best with a system of regulated capitalism, which sought to prevent special-interest groups from running away with it all. Much private and corporate wealth is sheltered in off-shore tax-free havens. It appears to me that the top 1-2% want to live in the United States, with its beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes and forests, with its powerful military protection, and, for now, social & political stability, but they seem most unwilling to contribute to its maintenance. However, they still manage to write out very generous checks toward election campaigns.

    The best thing our elected legislators can do for us would be to re-instate all the financial laws & regulations which were enacted during the 1930’s, including the necessary Glass-Steagall Act, that were repealed by the Cheney-Bush administration.

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