Ted Rall for February 24, 2014

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    piobaire  about 10 years ago

    Congress does that, don’t they? And far too many of our representatives and senators take money from the rich and corporations in exchange for creating the economic conditions we find ourselves in today. Conditions which include shipping jobs overseas. Conditions which make us afraid of losing our jobs, so we go in even when we are ill.

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  2. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Misery loves company.

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  3. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Even if you can afford to miss a day of work, or have paid “sick days”, it’s boring to stay home alone. The cats are useless, all they do is sleep. Not much on daytime TV. Oh, wait, is that Jerry Springer? I’ve heard about him, hmmm…

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    emptc12  about 10 years ago

    Here’s how it is at my place of work: the office people get 5 paid sick days a year when ill, or to attend doctor appointments. The shop people have to take vacation or no-pay days for those things, so mostly they go to work sick or try for doctor appointments after work (not so easy to get appointments after 4 p.m.).The office people work 8-hour days; the shop people work 10-hour shifts and in many cases Saturdays..The office people work at sit-down jobs in quiet temperature controlled areas, no heavy work; the shop people work in noise, have heat in the winter (unless the dock doors are open), heat and humidity in the summer, and have many chances to get hurt. Most of them stand all day..Needless to say, the office people make the rules. The discrepancy is justified by saying shop people get time-and-a-half overtime pay, while office people do not. That might be a good reason, I guess. And for chronic conditions there is the FMLA to forestall terminations for health-related absences. From what I read, our place is not the best or worst in the above regards..Still, when I ponder the office versus shop conditions I can’t help to think of Eloi and Morlocks.

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    piobaire  about 10 years ago

    Yes, it is old news. However, it is relevant because Congress continues to support big business in practices which undermine the working poor and working middle class of the country.

    Oh, and sincere thanks for the article. I am glad the people of the of the West Midlands are getting some jobs back. I will be happier when I see more of that happening, particularly in the United States.

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    piobaire  about 10 years ago

    Anybody out there thought about what’s going to happen when the price of oil goes up to the point that it makes goods from China et al unacceptably high for North Americans to buy?

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    echoraven  about 10 years ago

    “They can’t afford to miss a day of pay.”.Amen. I only miss work when I can’t safely transport myself to the office. If our PTO situation wasn’t so stingy, perhaps I can take a day when I’m like a human petri dish.

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  8. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I had a pretty generous sick leave policy when I had small children. But, I was a single mother and there weren’t enough sick days to go around for me and two kids. So, yeah, I went to work and infected other people when I was sick. It was a choice of going to work sick myself or dragging a sick kid to the babysitter, making him sicker and infecting all the kids at day care. Bad news- I was a teacher so I was basically deciding which kids to make sick.

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    emptc12  about 10 years ago

    Base pay — no. With overtime — yes. Few like the overtime in itself, but it helps pay the bills. People do what they can to provide for their families, even being at work when they would rather not. I’ve worked 60 hours a week for 35 years, and made money but lost leisure time and the pleasure of hobbies. It was a trade-off, a conscious decision, and I’m not whining (well, maybe a little).

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    emptc12  about 10 years ago

    Thanks for your comment. I was just venting..Other than from watching “Bewitched,” I can’t imagine how working for and ad agency would be. It sounds like very stressful brainwork, the type from which it’s hard to disconnect and relax on your off-time. A different type of tired than from physical labor.

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  11. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  about 10 years ago

    You seem to have the Eloi and Morlocks backwords.

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  12. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    “People who have no sick days or health care go to work sick and infect others.They can’t afford to miss a day of pay.”.Wait a minute! Didn’t Obamacare and endless government welfare (at least to the extent the Obama administration can push it out) make it so people have the opportunity not to work while making a positive economic contribution to the economy? That is what the Obama administration and Democrats have said isn’t it?

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    piobaire  about 10 years ago

    Thank you for the response. It was almost exactly what I have been thinking. Nice to see that I’m not alone.

    Another point to add to the mix is that China may soon be hitting the point where it can’t, in your words, adjust their manufacturing costs. That may have internal political costs too high to bear.

    I buy American every chance I get. I think it is a darn good way of showing my patriotism.

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  14. Missing large
    piobaire  about 10 years ago

    The West Midlands are in the United Kingdom, more precisely west central England.

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  15. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    One that is affordable (unlike Obama’s version) and not based on being run by the government…

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  16. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Who determines if a policy meets the ACA’s standards?Who is setting up the website(s) to sell policies?How many new government agencies were created by the ACA?Government runs Obamacare. Private corporations provide the product (insurance) for now.Government is going to collect the “taxes” on those who don’t get a policy.And I agree that the ACA is inferior to “Single Payer” government run health insurance. That would be far, far WORSE. Obamacare is proof. If that isn’t enough proof look at how badly run flood insurance is by FEMA.

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  17. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 10 years ago

    A LOT of people get no sick days, no personal days, no vacation days. For most American workers, the amount of PTO is less & less every year, thanks to the pro-labor policies of the GOP. /sarcasm

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  18. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    I worked 10 years at a company where the general manager never got sick. But, he didn’t believe anyone else got sick either. The mothers in the office brought in their kids colds, or someone else got the flu; it then made the rounds throughout the company. If you were so miserable with the flu that you stayed home for a day, the GM would call you once, sometimes twice, inquiring about your health. When you came back, he would ask you about your “day”, hoping to trip you up. These sick days were mentioned during your yearly review, as if it was a “mistake” on your part. He always felt that we were milking it! ps: He was a republican.

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