Tom Toles for February 16, 2014

  1. Missing large
    Doughfoot  over 10 years ago

    That would be too expensive. All that fuel. Weight the canister. Drop it in the sea. I hear the Marianas Trench is nice this time of year.

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  2. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    Well, President Joadtom, what would you do? On one side is an autocratic defiant leader who will allow anything to be done to his people in order to retain power. On the other side are Islamist mercenaries, many on the payroll of nations like Saudi Arabia, who are willing to do anything to the locals in order to achieve the goal of taking over and plundering. At this time, those are your only choices.

    Who do you support? And do you send troops?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

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  3. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    I like your answer. Thanks for the response.

    You are correct about making threats. “Threats are illogical, and payment is usually expensive.” (Sorak: Star Trek)

    Harder than you might think to keep from “telegraphing your moves”. Whether it be to get emergency funding from congress or to get permission to fly over certain airspace, there are going to be more people who know what’s going on than you want, as president. Secrets travel.

    And screaming every day at the UN? While I applaud the idea, and wonder why it hasn’t at least been tried, I am here to tell you that you, as president, would be derided by entire parties and their respective communication wings (read: slanted news channels) as being a Neville Chamberlain or a Surrender Monkey, or worst of all, a hippie peace-nik. There’s a lot of people who believe that force changes minds and hearts and they’re well-connected; if this were not true, there would be no military-industrial complex.

    I wish you good luck, Mr. President. I’m behind you, but I’m afraid your poll numbers are going to tank.

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  4. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 10 years ago

    I’m pleased to see someone who believes in the U.N.Sadly, I must warn you about its anachronistic properties: it has a 5 seat permanent Security Council. Any of those 5 can veto resolutions, motions etc. effectively hobbling the U.N.China, Russia & the USA are 3 of the members (France & Britain the other two).What chances do you think any Security Council resolution has regarding Chinese, Russian & US support of the warring parties?

    Yup, I agree with you; we should abolish the veto powers of this WW-II-victors anachronism. Until then…

    As for your call to arms against tyrants. The trouble with that is…well, Russia might take exception to your boots arriving on Syrian soil (or drones if you want to take that route as our governments have elsewhere on this planet), so you’d be inviting a larger conflict. That shall require more sacrifice from your fellow compatriots in terms of blood & treasure and I’m pleased to see you have the support of your fellow compatriots for such a plan. Good luck and good speed with your plans.

    But I won’t be holding my breath.

    Bah, Realpolitik can be such a downer.

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  5. Missing large
    Quipss  over 10 years ago

    Perhaps we can attempt to repeatedly topple regimes and leave countries in the midst of civil war for many many years, no tyrants, only roving death squads.

    Rather than trying to fight how about we supply the populace with food aid, I understand that for the $2500 food aid that would provide around 5,000 meals would never do quite as good as providing one M-14 but lets be selfish

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    First, you sarcastically said: “Let’s say we don’t like it and draw a red line… That will scare him…”Then, in apparent earnest you said: “I would have stood up at the U.N. And screamed all day, every day until the world got behind me and made supporting Assad impossible without revealing what evil Iran and Russia and China were supporting…”You’re in no position to call anyone else an idiot. What do you think our UN Delegate has been doing for a few years now? Even the oft maligned Fox News reports on this: our military against Assad would be expensive. Would you, like Bush, put another war on the National Master Card or would you raise taxes? Or, would you take it out on lower income Americans, by defunding our social safety net?Would you go into this war, even if it was likely to turn into more wars instigated by Russia & China for going after their guy? We could attack Saddam with little concern, because he was really more our guy than Russia’s or China’s. That’s not the case with Assad. And of course, if you insist we stand by your “principles” & use our military to enforce peace in Syria, we must do the same in dozens of other places around the globe. Better go back to that military budget & expand it some more.As others point out, you are brimming with bravado & “principles”, but not a lot of common sense. Evil triumphs more often when good men do foolish things, as it does when they do nothing.

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  7. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Interesting how you are incapable of discussing issues without a whole load of personal insults.Interesting how none of our conservatives who cry “foul” when a liberal poster uses terms like “stupid” & “cowardly” in reference to one of their own, has nothing to say to Mr. Joad.

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  8. Miss Demure Premium Member over 10 years ago

    @Adrian SnareWhat does “Ima/IMB” mean?P. Fernandez

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