Gary Varvel for January 20, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Deficits ARE down, but the “debt” will continue to rise, thanks to things like the THREE TRILLION and counting debt owed and unpaid for Iraq and Afghanistan wars. (that Obama actually started to count the cost of, which "W"s “budgets” ignored.

    Hmm if the 1872 Mining Act had been rescinded in like well, 1918, and all hard rock minerals made LEASED claims instead with a fair market return to the government, or if federal oil and gas leases actually took in closer to fair market, like states, such as Texas charge, there would be ZERO national debt today! (Even with increases in spending.)

    So what do “brilliant” Republicans want to do now, sell off the public lands and property, at well less than a penny per dollar of value, to their corporate “friends”. Yep, Republican policies are sooooooo, “brilliant”.

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    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    If any person says that the debt is their highest priority, ask if they are willing to raise taxes as part of a deal to lower the debt. When they say “no way,” what they’re saying is that the debt is not their highest priority.

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    fofinho  over 10 years ago


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    josefw  over 10 years ago

    Before the republicans’ “slimdown” that cost this country a couple billion dollars and countless jobs the sequester was all Obama’s fault.

    How many jobs were lost due to the sequester? Oh yeah, “Countless” because you can not count to zero (0)!Do I smell a LIAR amongst the LWNJ’s?

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Says the baby whose parents own their house free and clear, as well as both their cars, and are going to pay for his entire college education without “running up the debt” or getting second jobs.

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    echoraven  over 10 years ago

    “The real truth is simply that the republicans don’t really care about the debt, the deficit or spending until they perceived some political advantage from feigning outrage. Disgusting, despicable and destructive.”.Absolute truth. Just like Democrats could not give a crap about doing something that helps Joe Average; as long as they can lie to Joe Average to keep themselves in office they couldn’t care less. Ignorance is their biggest asset.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Take off on a viral video in which a fake baby pops up to scare people. Which makes it a perfect metaphor in this case: “oooh, debt! Scary! Scary!” but, of course, simply an illusion.

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