Rob Rogers for December 27, 2013

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    It’s a lot easier to be popular when you just promise a never-ending supply of freebies. Sometimes the adults have to tell the kids that there’s no such thing as a free lunch.We will eventually be getting the bill for all those handouts.Just wait until the employer mandate of the “ACA” kicks in next year. Bend over, middle class!This explains Barry’s 38% approval rating. (Plus a whole bunch of other reasons too long to list).

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  2. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    D-Squared, you do realize:

    Oil subsidies are 90% or so the government funding such things as Superfund clean up of enviromental sites, funding R & D for stuff the oil industry would otherwise not bother with like cleaner fuels, and for things like speciality products for the military. They aren’t welfare..The single biggest farm subsidy is ETHANOL one of Obama’s favorite Greentard projects. You know, the one where you use a gallon of oil to produce a pint of alcohol….As opposed to tax breaks for unions and other Democrat friendly groups?.Koch Bros welfare? … Huh?! Ever watch NOVA on PBS… or are shows that are actually educational boring for you? The Koch Foundation is a major contributor to that show on… PBS…!Seems the government is getting welfare from them.

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  3. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 10 years ago

    It does not matter who you blame, you keep paying the price. The ethanol support made sense when there was a gas crisis, now it increases food prices and accomplishes little. The conservatives are unhappy with negotiations with Iran, they would rather have another trillion dollar war and several thousands of casualties. The tea party would like to cancel medicare, social security and the ACA. Maybe it is their plan to help the middle class. We need congress people who actually do something and make the country better, not the jerks we seem to love.

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  4. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    I do support renewable energy: Nuclear with breeder technology using thorium along with a move to hydrogen for portable fuel. Natural gas is the bridge energy source from what we have now to mass nuclear.Solar and wind are a bad and very expensive joke. They have been around now for nearly 50 years and still make up only a miniscule fraction of total energy production. The meer fact that the government has to be so heavily involved subsidizing these segiments of the energy industry should give you pause to want to continue to invest in them..The people who are “…thick headed as a brick.” are those who think solar and wind will actually work and be cost effective. It is they that don’t comprehend reality well.They cannot accept that you cannot bend the laws of thermodynamics, chemistry, and physics to their desires. Instead, we will continue to get scams like Solyndria because the government is relatively easy to scam.

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  5. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 10 years ago

    All you do is not use it.

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