Ted Rall for December 23, 2013

  1. Pict0001
    MiepR  over 10 years ago

    That’s always been the problem with him, wanting to play nice with the bad guys. We don’t really know why he’s so timid, but the outcome is the same no matter the reason. Now let’s make more excuses for him Because Racism. Meh.

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    Ironic Eggbeater  over 10 years ago

    Gun control, immigration reform? What about his executive order calling for the ICE not to deport undocumented children brought to the US illegally by their parents. Seems like some fact checking is in order. I am sure there are more.

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  3. 1939 11 adventure neff
    Donaldo Premium Member over 10 years ago

    A rather strange cartoon sounding like something from FOX news. Here’s a list of Obama’s top 50 accomplishments:


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  4. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I hear the Repubs have another 367 bills to repeal Obamacare scheduled.

    And that’s just next week.

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  5. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be more like “Get surreal, we’re Democrats…?”

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    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    Obama has proposed a number of bills that have gone nowhere on jobs, immigration, and infrastructure. It’s up to congress to do the work, and they’re committed to making sure that America suffers for not voting Republican.

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    Odon Premium Member over 10 years ago

    So it’s safe to say he is not the dictator many like to call him.

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    patiodragon  over 10 years ago

    There is a real difference between Republicans and Democrats…. THEORETICALLY.

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  9. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 10 years ago

    What Ted really means is that Obama never proposed any Bills that the GOP couldn’t say yes to. But, to be fair, the GOP did say yes when Obama proposed rasing congress’ pay!

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  10. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    How about his EPA shutting down anything he deems bad for mommy earth?Can you give one example of something the EPA has actually shut down?

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Continuing inaccurate drone strikes, bad, but there are better controls than under “W”, still object. Continuing NSA actions, wrong, but it’s been going on since at least back to the 70’s with ILLEGAL actions that the “Patriot Act” and other CONGRESSIONAL ACTIONS made “legitimate” if not “legal”.

    Disagree with a number of Obama’s actions as President, but as noted in the ‘toon, he doesn’t WRITE legislation, and yes, the ACA was a result of JOINT committee actions and “preparation”, so the Republican arguments ARE fraudulent, but that won’t shut them up.

    Ted makes people from “both sides” think about what’s happening, and will speak his mind, I respect that whether I agree, or disagree with particular views. Real democratic principles in a Republic where folks are supposed to have free speech are “tricky things” for those tied to dogma, from any perspective.

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    decimuscaelius  over 10 years ago

    Imagine this science fiction scenario: Obama, Warren, Sanders and Pelosi commit to paper a bill putting every American who wants a job to work fixing the infrastructure and installing solar panels,all paid for by taxing the wealthy, and then promote a massive march on DC to support it. And continue week after week to march with people all over the country, and on weekdays walk picket lines with striking workers – until Congres is forced to pass the law.Never happen. Know why? All Democrats at every level of government are rich bastards and fear the majority of us like the plague. The Democratic [sic] party would never allow such an attack on THEIR CLASS – THE CAPITALIST CLASS!Workers to power!

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    snibbodmot  over 10 years ago

    The first downgrade of the US credit rating in history that happened while the Dems had the Presidency and controlled both wings of Congress…?

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  14. 24952 352159880912 609583 n
    snibbodmot  over 10 years ago

    Hey! How many of you know that the Obama administration and Congress have rang up a $512.251 BILLION deficit since October 1st?


    Table IIIa

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  15. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    An opinion piece that readily admits that the current coal technology pollutes far more than what may be possible in the future. There is a potential for coal plants that will be far more efficient & clean than existing ones. He points to a plant that is frankly, a bigger waste than Solyndra ever hoped to be. $3 billion of taxpayer money dumped on the low heat coal flames in Mississippi, versus a measly $500 million for Solyndra. But, which one do conservatives go nuts over?The coal isn’t going anywhere. It won’t go stale like bread. Technology may make coal a more attractive option someday, but the cost, both of the fuel & on anyone living nearby are not competitive. The only people who should advocate coal, besides the Koch Brothers, are the folks who produce asthma medication. If/when the technology to produce energy from coal gets to where it is competitive with other options, the coal will be waiting. This is a classic case of “Drill, baby, drill!” shortsightedness.http://scalinggreen.com/2013/10/wall-street-journal-mississippi-plant-shows-the-cost-of-clean-coal/

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